Thursday, March 3, 2011

Selena Gomez Punched - The news circulated that Selena Gomez gets hit in the face, when finished attending a birthday Justin Bieber. Who then hit Selena Gomez? After seeking information about news Selena Gomez gets punched in the birthday of Justin Bieber, emilya get a picture or photo facial bruises Selena Gomez, Selena Gomez gets punched.

Emilya to post news Selena Gomez punched in the face, to provide photo evidence that you are not curious about the news scrolling.

Until this post in publishing, reported People who hit Selena Gomez is one of the fans of Justin Bieber, while leaving a Justin Bieber 17 birthday party yesterday. But emilya not sure.

Selena gomez gets punched in the face? Yes the following picture I get from news media sources. What do you see the news that Selena got punched? Give your feedback here.

Below is a picture of Selena Gomez punched :
Selena Gomez Punched


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