Thursday, February 4, 2010
Why Are Americans Passive as Millions Lose Their Homes, Jobs, Families and the American Dream?
Why it's happened and what we can do about it.
An unnatural economic and psychological disaster has struck America. Five contributors, each interacting with and shaping the others, have devastated the American moral, economic, psychological, and social landscape. Each is fed by related streams, but each contributes its own force to the disaster. The American dream in which each generation surpassed the previous generation in real wages has all but disappeared, along with dreams of an intact family, a steady job, a home, and an honest supportive community.
This article looks at each of five collaborators in the crisis in order to answer the following questions:
How did this happen? What forces are responsible?
Why are Americans passive as millions lose their homes, their jobs, their families, their hopes of justice, and the American dream?
Why do Americans remain disorganized at home while their European and Asian counterparts flood into the streets and strike in militant, organized protest? Why do others believe in their potential to reclaim their lives while we do not?
What happened is a result of at least five major, interrelated forces. One is a transformation of American morality, and with it the loss of belief that the social and political realms could be shaped by morality, ethics, and secular spirituality. Another is an economic depression. A third is a transformation of the family, which has been the foundation of American emotional life. A fourth is the decimation of Americans' social participation in all areas, from bridge clubs and PTAs to political parties. A fifth is the tranquilizing and numbing of the American population with psychotropic medications.
1. The Crisis in Morality and Social Ethics
Let us begin with the first of our contributors: American ethics, morality, and spirituality. The same forces that decimated our economic, psychological, and social landscapes have transformed our sense of morality and social ethics. The shared dream of an ethical, moral society that dominated the United States until the 1970s has systematically eroded. In the 1960s it was common to believe that morality and spirituality include a concern for all human beings, rich and poor alike. The biggest push against those social ethics began with Reagan's presidency in 1981. It continued in Reagan's second term and was reinforced by each president until its (we hope) final act in the presidency of George W. Bush.
Reagan's basic ideology was that people are poor because they lack incentives. He claimed that poor people's noble drive to get rich is eroded by social programs that permit them to survive or, in his term, "freeload." In this framework, income tax cuts increase the incentive to work and get rich, so all are expected to benefit from them. In 1980 the highest incomes were taxed at 73 percent. In 2009 those same high incomes were taxed at half that rate, 35 percent. Of course the percentage of tax on the highest incomes is actually even lower, since the wealthiest Americans can hire tax accountants to help them evade taxes. Reagan used his famous veto power to cut a huge range of social programs from biomedical research, to social security for disabled Americans, to clean water, to expanded Head Start. At the same time, he increased the military budget while decrying big government.
That pattern has been repeated ever since, which is how, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United States went from being the most egalitarian western industrialized society in 1970 to the least egalitarian in 2009.
In addition, the Soviet model of socialism failed. It did not provide the kind and ethical societies that are part of a socialist vision. The mass of people believed that the Soviet Union was communism. Left-wing class analyses of the failure of Soviet Communism, such as Bettelheim's in the late 1970s or Resnick and Wolff's in 2002, were not widely read or embraced. Both of those analyses demonstrate that the USSR and its satellites exemplified class societies in which a bureaucratic class appropriated wealth and made crucial decisions affecting the lives of the mass of people. They explain that the USSR failed because it was not a communist society. It was not a society in which the people in each workplace decided what to produce, and also collected their own profits and decided together how to distribute those profits. Because these left-wing class interpretations were few and largely unembraced, a socialist or communist dream seemed doomed to end in rigid, bureaucratic, and undemocratic societies that were rejected by their own people. People lost faith in a secular dream.
Slowly there has been a transformation of our morality and ethics. Where our morality once required the United States to embody our ethics in the world and empower all citizens, it has shifted so that our morality now consists of requiring conservative personal and sexual behavior. Within that morality Clinton committed an impeachable crime by lying about having sex with an intern, while Bush and Cheney did not commit impeachable crimes by lying about the threat from Iraq and thus causing the deaths of over four thousand U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, or by torturing prisoners. It is not considered immoral to spend between six billion and twelve billion dollars a week on the war in Iraq while cutting school and social programs for needy families because "there is not enough money." The secular morality that made America a proudly democratic and egalitarian nation has deteriorated. We are experiencing a national moral, ethical, and spiritual crisis.
2. The Dying of the Economic Dream
A second contributor to American passivity is the economic crisis from which we are suffering. Let us look at our history in order to understand what happened. From 1820-1970, the United States experienced a unique period of ever-increasing prosperity. For 150 years, U.S. salaries rose together with ever-increasing worker productivity. For 150 years, each generation was able to afford a better standard of living than the generation that preceded it. That was the American dream.
Unlike their European counterparts, Americans did not enjoy working-class solidarity with other workers whose families and social organizations, unions and political parties were inflected by a history of overt class struggle fought as proudly permanent members of the working class. Europeans organized their working unions along political lines. They fought for better conditions as part of the ideology of long-term communist and socialist struggles for ownership and control of their workplaces.
The U.S. labor movement is not informed by a struggle for worker ownership of the businesses that produce U.S. goods and services. Decisions about what to produce and the right to appropriate and distribute profits are left to corporate boards of directors. Americans accepted the capitalist system in which each generation had relatively prospered. American labor fought for an increasing amount of income that would permit workers to consume more goods and services, a system in which each generation could move to jobs considered more prestigious and lucrative within the capitalist hierarchy. Blue-collar workers' children could become white-collar, and white-collar children could become professionals in the next generation (particularly if they were not just white-collar but white, period). U.S. growth permitted ever-increasing real wages and possibilities for consumption. Even in the Great Depression from 1929-1939, real wages, the amount that one could buy with one's wages, were able to rise because prices fell even faster than wages.
That ever-increasing prosperity stopped in 1970. By 1970 the introduction of computers, better telecommunications, and more efficient transportation enabled jobs to be outsourced to lower-paid workers overseas. Competing factories in Europe and Japan, which had been decimated by World War II, were now vying for U.S. markets. Then China emerged as a manufacturing giant. Competition reduced the U.S. share of both domestic and global markets. The outsourcing of American jobs to cheaper labor markets was not stopped by militant unions, which were unable to achieve the powerful "runaway shop" laws that were won in other nations. Nor did militant unions force the creation of a tight safety net to catch workers in financial distress.
For a long time, there was a relative scarcity of white male workers available for the jobs reserved for white males in America's racially and sexually segregated job markets. White male workers, who were accustomed to receiving increasing real wages and living a lifestyle of ever-greater consumption, could no longer support their families on their frozen wages. Americans' sense of self worth was in large part dependent on their net worth. They became increasingly depressed. Their sense of personal value was cut with their salaries. This happened as the advertising industry burgeoned. Advertising continuously and relentlessly sells consumption as the path to happiness. Consumption was undermined and with it stability, prosperity, and a sense of personal success.
3. What Produced the Crisis in Personal and Family Life?
Economic desperation pushed many more women into the labor force to increase money for the household. Previous to the 1970s, most white, nonimmigrant American women entered the labor force only in times of particular and urgent family need: upon divorce, or if a husband died, was ill, unemployed, or deserted his family. Women's labor outside the home provided some safety in times of emergency. In 1970, 40 percent of U.S. women were in the labor force, mostly part time. By the year 2008, 75 percent of U.S. women were in the labor force, mostly full time. Many women enjoyed the greater autonomy, variation, and creativity that jobs could provide. Many others were forced by economic necessity to work outside of their homes in routinized dead-end jobs with scarce assistance from governmental supports for day care, after-school programs, or elder care.
Women's work outside of the home helped to improve the standard of living for most families, but it did not compensate families for lost white male wages. Women's wage work imposes not only the obvious expenses of additional clothing and transportation, but also the costs of purchasing some of the goods and services that women previously produced at home free of charge, such as cooking, mending, cleaning, shopping, and child care. Those goods and services are crucial. Once they become commodified in the marketplace, they become expensive. The latest figures from Salary.com indicate that if a stay-at-home mother in the United States were replaced by paid domestic products and services, the cost would be $122,732 a year. The domestic products produced and services rendered by a mom who works outside of the home would cost $76,184 per year.
Even with women flooding into the labor force, families were still financially hurting. Working women had no time to perform full-time household labor and child care, and there was still not enough money for consumption. More money was accumulating at the top while the mass of Americans suffered from frozen wages. The wealthy then promoted the credit card to lend to Americans the money that they formerly would have earned in growing wages. Families became dependent on credit card debt. Since the interest rate on credit cards ranges from 15 percent to 25 percent, Americans descended into debt at record-breaking levels.
The living standard of Americans deteriorated psychologically as well. In American culture, women provide most of the emotional labor to make home a warm and comfortable place for men and children. It is women who usually arrange children's social lives and activities, from play dates to dental appointments. Women are usually the directors of adult social life as well. Indeed, women are usually in charge of emotional life for the entire family. The more women work outside of the home without social support in the form of child care programs and domestic help, the more stressed, overworked, and emotionally unavailable they become. Overwhelmed women have less energy for the roles of social director and organizer, as well as emotional and physical caregiver. Households are hurting emotionally. When Bush took office in 2000, he cut many of the already hobbled social programs that allowed families to survive. Families are in trouble.
Women are no longer willing to work outside of the home, do the lion's share of the domestic work, and simultaneously take care of their children's and husbands' physical and emotional needs largely unaided either by their husbands or by social programs. For the first time in American history, the majority of women are abandoning marriage. Women now initiate two-thirds of divorces. Half of first marriages and 60 percent of second marriages end in legal separation or divorce. These impressive figures do not include the many people who end their marriages outside of the legal system.
When men's emotional relationships with women break down, they have little intimate emotional support. Women usually count on other women to emotionally sustain them. Women still manage to befriend and support each other on a personal level in a way that few men can. These changes in households and family life are a third tributary to America's deluge of disaster. Americans have lost both the financial dream of ever-increasing prosperity and consumption, and also the emotional family dream of a stable family connected by a present wife creating emotional connection and domestic order. In short, Americans have lost what was the comfort of home.
4. Americans' Increasing Isolation from One Another
A fourth disaster is closely related. The freeze in U.S. real wages coincided with the beginning of Americans' increasing isolation from one another. Beginning once again in the 1970s, nearly all social connections between Americans declined. The decay in U.S. social life was an almost total phenomenon. It extended from inviting friends to dinner, to joining bridge clubs or bowling leagues, to volunteering for noncontroversial activities such as the PTA or Red Cross blood drives, to participating in more controversial activities such as working for a cause or a political candidate.
There was growth in social participation in evangelical religious groups; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) groups; internet groups; and self-help groups. However, membership in self-help groups, America's greatest social participation growth area, was outnumbered two to one by drop-outs from bowling leagues alone, according to Robert Putnam's 2000 book, Bowling Alone, which I have drawn on for statistics throughout this section.
Several inconclusive theories have emerged as to why Americans have dropped out of U.S. social life and civic life.
Women dropping out of social activities because of working full time outside of the home accounts for only 10 percent of the overall dropout rate.
One might attribute U.S. social desertion to the phenomenon of busyness, but that too is an insufficient explanation. The average American watches four hours of television a day, which would be difficult to manage with an intensely busy schedule. The Internet may seem like a replacement for social interaction, but the Internet isolates people as well as connects them.
Extensive television viewing may be a culprit since more people relate to their television sets than to each other, and the heaviest viewing correlates to the least social participation. But surely this is a symptom as much as a cause of the problems that isolate Americans. I say this because extensive television viewing is reported by the viewers themselves as so unsatisfying that it leaves them "not feeling so good." Their descriptions portray it as an addiction that compels without satisfying. An overwhelming number of viewers watch for the purpose of distraction or entertainment. Television functions as an escape from loneliness, changed gender expectations, and looming economic disaster.
Perhaps the greatest reason is that Americans are psychologically and also physically exhausted. They have fewer vacations and longer workweeks than any of their Western European counterparts. Activity in society, including activity in politics, has become a luxury good for those fortunate few who have extra time and energy. The Left's natural constituency, the mass of Americans, is exhausted, disillusioned, and in despair. To add to their despair, the tremendous wealth at the top of society has been used to fund right-wing media outlets like Fox News, to name just one example. Right-wing media promote the idea that there is no alternative to the status quo. At the same time, the skewed distribution of wealth allows vast sums to be given to politicians who advance the fortunes of those who pay their way. Immense wealth is invested in weakening the regulations against enormous giving at the top. These developments increase the conviction that ordinary people make no difference in politics. They have no voice. The force of the Left is further weakened.
5. The Drugging of America
The fifth tributary that helped to create our deluge of disaster is both a cause and an effect of America's social breakdown. This is the numbing of Americans with psychotropic drugs. In 2006, Americans, who make up approximately 6 percent of the world's population, consumed 66 percent of the world's supply of antidepressants. In 2002, more than 13 percent of Americans were taking Prozac alone. Prozac is one of thirty available antidepressants. Anti-anxiety drugs, such as Zoloft, are so widely prescribed that in the year 2005, the $3.1 billion sales of Zoloft exceeded the sales for Tide detergent.
Many of these drugs, which are also called "cosmetic drugs" or "life-enhancing drugs," are diagnosed for loneliness, sadness, life transitions, or concentration on task performance. They have been "normalized" through extensive direct-to-consumer advertising and marketing to doctors who are financially rewarded for recommending them to colleagues. Regulations that once restrained the widespread promotion and sales of these powerful drugs have been relaxed to the point of near nonexistence. The United States is the only Western nation that permits direct-to-consumer drug advertising. We are also the only nation without price controls on drugs. Psychiatric drugs are so ubiquitous that the pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable industry in America, and antidepressants are their most profitable products.
What Can We Do?
The current disaster did not just happen with the recent burst of the stock market and housing bubbles. Americans somewhere knew for a long time that we could not pay our credit card bills or our mortgages. Somewhere, unconsciously, we had to know that disaster was approaching. We responded with denial, withdrawal, depression, and dissociation accomplished with the aid of extensive television viewing and preoccupation with scandals and celebrities.
Each of the five tributaries flowed together to drown the mass of Americans in debt, family dissolution, isolation, and drug-induced apathy. In response to the original questions that inspired this article, we now need to ask another question: what can we do about it? Americans may now be looking for change. They elected a president who promised change. That change has not happened. Where else can we look?
Capitalism needs and breeds consumerism. We are surrounded by advertisements for products. Ubiquitous advertising has a blighting side effect. The presentation of all human connection now carries a price tag for a branded product. Scenes of connection with a group of friends include, for example, Budweiser beer. The devoted mother is washing your clothes with Tide. The sexy woman, whom men want and women want to be, seems to come with the sleek Toyota. Ads appear whenever we turn on our computers or read newspapers or magazines. Product placement is present in almost every film. Television, America's mass entertainment, embraces product placement and explicit advertising directed to all ages. Capitalist consumerism coveys the message that relationships happen with and through products. There are too few scenes of people trying honestly to connect and surmount their real economic, social, and emotional problems through honest discussion and negotiation. We need more images of people who enjoy their connection and work through the difficult times involved in creating close, mutual, nurturing relationships. How do we manage to effect change within this environment? Where are the contradictions that create openings?
A Time When Noncommercial Values Are Attractive
One opportunity for change has emerged due to the recent capitalist collapse, which has intensified American suffering. People can no longer afford the brand-name products seen on TV. Their economic woes reveal the relentless hustling of now unaffordable consumer products. They try generics, unknown brands, and less consumption, and often find them just as good. This presents us with an opening to question. New, noncommercial values can form.
Since Americans are hooked on the mass media, and the media loves anything new, the Left can create media-attracting new actions. The anarchist group that formed around a book called The Coming Insurrection got full media attention when a well-publicized group jumped on stage at Barnes & Noble in New York for a spontaneous reading that began, "Everyone agrees it's about to explode." The action was widely covered for its novelty.
We can look to the four areas that have grown in the current social drought. They are, in order of their growth, self-help groups, internet groups, evangelical church groups, and GLBT groups.
Self-Help Groups
The largest self-help groups are Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Alcohol and drugs have proved to be a personal and social disaster for millions of Americans, who cannot function on the job and suffer havoc in their personal lives due to these substances. Huge alcohol and pharmaceutical lobbies push these substances on individuals desperate for relief from their problems. The individual solution of self-medicating with drugs and alcohol-promoted so efficiently by capitalism-failed terribly. In the face of that failure, millions join together in small groups where they share their pain and suffering within a supportive, nonjudgmental collective that operates without salaries, advertisements, or financial charges. These twelve-step groups give the Left a window of possibility. We can add a thirteenth step to their twelve-step programs. We can add a step to organize against big pharmaceutical and liquor advertising, which profits on false promises. The Left desperately needs to address people's despair and give them support. We can learn to incorporate nonjudgmental personal and political support, as well as psychological and political dimensions, to Left groups where both nonjudgmental attitudes and psychological support have been sadly lacking. The Left has tried too hard to focus on being correct and not enough effort on reaching people where they are hurting. We need to listen to people without judgment as they do in twelve-step programs.
The GLBT Movement
We can also study the contradictions that helped to produce GLBT organizations. Advertising creates omnipresent images of happiness accessed though products that relate to sexual attractiveness. The sexy woman rides in the man's sleek new car. The virile man drives a big truck and smokes Marlboros. Multibillion-dollar industries such as the diet, cosmetic, and fashion industries promote products to enhance sexual attractiveness. Popular culture celebrates heterosexual coupling and family as ultimate happiness while avoiding mention of collective joys or homosexuality.
The GLBT movement works to include those in their identity group who are excluded from the grand celebration of personal couple happiness built around sexual pairing. The very pressure to channel complex desires into heterosexual coupling helped lead GLBT people to, as a group, articulate collective visions of resistance and envision new possibilities.
Since most families and relationships are breaking down, American people desperately need connection. Organizing creates connection. Collective dreams have a chance to replace the individualistic desires cultivated in capitalist America.
What We Can Learn From Evangelicals' Failures ... and Successes
Conservative evangelical groups create a collective vision and connection while celebrating capitalist success as God's blessing. They provide some of what people desperately need and the Left ignores, such as strong verbal support for important work in the home and a focus on the hard work of child rearing. Conservative evangelicals manage to accomplish this while sex role stereotyping that labor, as well as opposing every form of non-church-based material support that actually allows families to stay afloat. They typically oppose single-payer health plans, Head Start for all, sex education (unless abstinence-based), family planning, maternity and paternity benefits, minimum wage hikes, etc. In the end they cannot deliver the support that families need. The savior they pray to has not saved them from financial and personal desperation and divorce.
Evangelicalism's reduction of morality to personal morality and particularly sexual morality has an embarrassing side effect. Googling "evangelical scandals" results in 3,729,000 hits in five seconds. Evangelical scandals have resulted in reduced credibility. There is now an opportunity for the wider ethical spiritual morality of the community associated with Tikkun and left-leaning evangelicals connected to Sojourners who develop their social, economic, personal, and political morality, and who see political activity as an expression of morality taken into the world. We on the Left have an opportunity to champion our own moral, ethical, and spiritual vision to Americans who desperately need both morality and hope for a better world. Evangelical promotion of the centrality of personal connection and family gives the Left an opening to advocate material and psychological support for all kinds of families. The Left urgently needs a family program to address the mass breakdown of U.S. homes and families.
The evangelical groups can, ironically show us what we are missing. The failure of evangelical morality, which excludes social, economic, and political morality, may create an opening for a much-needed left-wing program of social, political, economic, and personal ethics and morality for which many hunger.
Internet Organizing
There are explicitly political possibilities afforded by the net. MoveOn.org and other political groups organize and mobilize through the Web. In Iran, members of the opposition evaded censors, communicated with each other, and aroused national and international support through Twitter and Facebook. The Facebook account of Neda Soltani's murder focused Iran and the world on the violent repression of Mousavi's supporters. That possibility exists here.
The four social growth groups springing up in America's desert of political opposition point out possible avenues for a Left that desperately needs direction. Let us return to our original questions:
Why are Americans passive as millions lose their homes, their jobs, their families, and the American dream?
Why do Americans remain at home, disorganized, while their European counterparts flood into the streets in militant, organized protests? How did this happen? What forces are responsible? We can see that the cycles of capitalism with its relentless need for consumer spending and capital accumulation at the top have devastated America. We can also see that unbridled capitalism has created mass suffering and then turned the rage of those who suffer against all who need governmental assistance and against additional scapegoats such as homosexuals, feminists, liberals, socialists, and immigrants. We can create new roads to reclaim this nation by organizing and activating the mass of Americans who know that the ostensible "recovery" will never return what they have lost. We dared to elect a president who championed change verbally, who campaigned on unity and respect for all, and who preserves the structures that destroyed our lives. En masse, we have turned to self-help groups, evangelists, psycho-pharmaceutical drugs, and sexual identity politics, which do not solve the multifaceted crisis in which we are drowning. America needs another way. Perhaps we can provide it?
Harriet Fraad is a psychotherapist-hypnotherapist in practice in New York City. She is a founding member of the feminist movement and the journal Rethinking Marxism. For forty years, she has been a radical committed to transforming U.S. personal and political life.
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http://www.apfn.net/MESSAGEBOARD/breakdown.htm Read This!
This article looks at each of five collaborators in the crisis in order to answer the following questions:
How did this happen? What forces are responsible?
Why are Americans passive as millions lose their homes, their jobs, their families, their hopes of justice, and the American dream?
Why do Americans remain disorganized at home while their European and Asian counterparts flood into the streets and strike in militant, organized protest? Why do others believe in their potential to reclaim their lives while we do not?
What happened is a result of at least five major, interrelated forces. One is a transformation of American morality, and with it the loss of belief that the social and political realms could be shaped by morality, ethics, and secular spirituality. Another is an economic depression. A third is a transformation of the family, which has been the foundation of American emotional life. A fourth is the decimation of Americans' social participation in all areas, from bridge clubs and PTAs to political parties. A fifth is the tranquilizing and numbing of the American population with psychotropic medications.
1. The Crisis in Morality and Social Ethics
Let us begin with the first of our contributors: American ethics, morality, and spirituality. The same forces that decimated our economic, psychological, and social landscapes have transformed our sense of morality and social ethics. The shared dream of an ethical, moral society that dominated the United States until the 1970s has systematically eroded. In the 1960s it was common to believe that morality and spirituality include a concern for all human beings, rich and poor alike. The biggest push against those social ethics began with Reagan's presidency in 1981. It continued in Reagan's second term and was reinforced by each president until its (we hope) final act in the presidency of George W. Bush.
Reagan's basic ideology was that people are poor because they lack incentives. He claimed that poor people's noble drive to get rich is eroded by social programs that permit them to survive or, in his term, "freeload." In this framework, income tax cuts increase the incentive to work and get rich, so all are expected to benefit from them. In 1980 the highest incomes were taxed at 73 percent. In 2009 those same high incomes were taxed at half that rate, 35 percent. Of course the percentage of tax on the highest incomes is actually even lower, since the wealthiest Americans can hire tax accountants to help them evade taxes. Reagan used his famous veto power to cut a huge range of social programs from biomedical research, to social security for disabled Americans, to clean water, to expanded Head Start. At the same time, he increased the military budget while decrying big government.
That pattern has been repeated ever since, which is how, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the United States went from being the most egalitarian western industrialized society in 1970 to the least egalitarian in 2009.
In addition, the Soviet model of socialism failed. It did not provide the kind and ethical societies that are part of a socialist vision. The mass of people believed that the Soviet Union was communism. Left-wing class analyses of the failure of Soviet Communism, such as Bettelheim's in the late 1970s or Resnick and Wolff's in 2002, were not widely read or embraced. Both of those analyses demonstrate that the USSR and its satellites exemplified class societies in which a bureaucratic class appropriated wealth and made crucial decisions affecting the lives of the mass of people. They explain that the USSR failed because it was not a communist society. It was not a society in which the people in each workplace decided what to produce, and also collected their own profits and decided together how to distribute those profits. Because these left-wing class interpretations were few and largely unembraced, a socialist or communist dream seemed doomed to end in rigid, bureaucratic, and undemocratic societies that were rejected by their own people. People lost faith in a secular dream.
Slowly there has been a transformation of our morality and ethics. Where our morality once required the United States to embody our ethics in the world and empower all citizens, it has shifted so that our morality now consists of requiring conservative personal and sexual behavior. Within that morality Clinton committed an impeachable crime by lying about having sex with an intern, while Bush and Cheney did not commit impeachable crimes by lying about the threat from Iraq and thus causing the deaths of over four thousand U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, or by torturing prisoners. It is not considered immoral to spend between six billion and twelve billion dollars a week on the war in Iraq while cutting school and social programs for needy families because "there is not enough money." The secular morality that made America a proudly democratic and egalitarian nation has deteriorated. We are experiencing a national moral, ethical, and spiritual crisis.
2. The Dying of the Economic Dream
A second contributor to American passivity is the economic crisis from which we are suffering. Let us look at our history in order to understand what happened. From 1820-1970, the United States experienced a unique period of ever-increasing prosperity. For 150 years, U.S. salaries rose together with ever-increasing worker productivity. For 150 years, each generation was able to afford a better standard of living than the generation that preceded it. That was the American dream.
Unlike their European counterparts, Americans did not enjoy working-class solidarity with other workers whose families and social organizations, unions and political parties were inflected by a history of overt class struggle fought as proudly permanent members of the working class. Europeans organized their working unions along political lines. They fought for better conditions as part of the ideology of long-term communist and socialist struggles for ownership and control of their workplaces.
The U.S. labor movement is not informed by a struggle for worker ownership of the businesses that produce U.S. goods and services. Decisions about what to produce and the right to appropriate and distribute profits are left to corporate boards of directors. Americans accepted the capitalist system in which each generation had relatively prospered. American labor fought for an increasing amount of income that would permit workers to consume more goods and services, a system in which each generation could move to jobs considered more prestigious and lucrative within the capitalist hierarchy. Blue-collar workers' children could become white-collar, and white-collar children could become professionals in the next generation (particularly if they were not just white-collar but white, period). U.S. growth permitted ever-increasing real wages and possibilities for consumption. Even in the Great Depression from 1929-1939, real wages, the amount that one could buy with one's wages, were able to rise because prices fell even faster than wages.
That ever-increasing prosperity stopped in 1970. By 1970 the introduction of computers, better telecommunications, and more efficient transportation enabled jobs to be outsourced to lower-paid workers overseas. Competing factories in Europe and Japan, which had been decimated by World War II, were now vying for U.S. markets. Then China emerged as a manufacturing giant. Competition reduced the U.S. share of both domestic and global markets. The outsourcing of American jobs to cheaper labor markets was not stopped by militant unions, which were unable to achieve the powerful "runaway shop" laws that were won in other nations. Nor did militant unions force the creation of a tight safety net to catch workers in financial distress.
For a long time, there was a relative scarcity of white male workers available for the jobs reserved for white males in America's racially and sexually segregated job markets. White male workers, who were accustomed to receiving increasing real wages and living a lifestyle of ever-greater consumption, could no longer support their families on their frozen wages. Americans' sense of self worth was in large part dependent on their net worth. They became increasingly depressed. Their sense of personal value was cut with their salaries. This happened as the advertising industry burgeoned. Advertising continuously and relentlessly sells consumption as the path to happiness. Consumption was undermined and with it stability, prosperity, and a sense of personal success.
3. What Produced the Crisis in Personal and Family Life?
Economic desperation pushed many more women into the labor force to increase money for the household. Previous to the 1970s, most white, nonimmigrant American women entered the labor force only in times of particular and urgent family need: upon divorce, or if a husband died, was ill, unemployed, or deserted his family. Women's labor outside the home provided some safety in times of emergency. In 1970, 40 percent of U.S. women were in the labor force, mostly part time. By the year 2008, 75 percent of U.S. women were in the labor force, mostly full time. Many women enjoyed the greater autonomy, variation, and creativity that jobs could provide. Many others were forced by economic necessity to work outside of their homes in routinized dead-end jobs with scarce assistance from governmental supports for day care, after-school programs, or elder care.
Women's work outside of the home helped to improve the standard of living for most families, but it did not compensate families for lost white male wages. Women's wage work imposes not only the obvious expenses of additional clothing and transportation, but also the costs of purchasing some of the goods and services that women previously produced at home free of charge, such as cooking, mending, cleaning, shopping, and child care. Those goods and services are crucial. Once they become commodified in the marketplace, they become expensive. The latest figures from Salary.com indicate that if a stay-at-home mother in the United States were replaced by paid domestic products and services, the cost would be $122,732 a year. The domestic products produced and services rendered by a mom who works outside of the home would cost $76,184 per year.
Even with women flooding into the labor force, families were still financially hurting. Working women had no time to perform full-time household labor and child care, and there was still not enough money for consumption. More money was accumulating at the top while the mass of Americans suffered from frozen wages. The wealthy then promoted the credit card to lend to Americans the money that they formerly would have earned in growing wages. Families became dependent on credit card debt. Since the interest rate on credit cards ranges from 15 percent to 25 percent, Americans descended into debt at record-breaking levels.
The living standard of Americans deteriorated psychologically as well. In American culture, women provide most of the emotional labor to make home a warm and comfortable place for men and children. It is women who usually arrange children's social lives and activities, from play dates to dental appointments. Women are usually the directors of adult social life as well. Indeed, women are usually in charge of emotional life for the entire family. The more women work outside of the home without social support in the form of child care programs and domestic help, the more stressed, overworked, and emotionally unavailable they become. Overwhelmed women have less energy for the roles of social director and organizer, as well as emotional and physical caregiver. Households are hurting emotionally. When Bush took office in 2000, he cut many of the already hobbled social programs that allowed families to survive. Families are in trouble.
Women are no longer willing to work outside of the home, do the lion's share of the domestic work, and simultaneously take care of their children's and husbands' physical and emotional needs largely unaided either by their husbands or by social programs. For the first time in American history, the majority of women are abandoning marriage. Women now initiate two-thirds of divorces. Half of first marriages and 60 percent of second marriages end in legal separation or divorce. These impressive figures do not include the many people who end their marriages outside of the legal system.
When men's emotional relationships with women break down, they have little intimate emotional support. Women usually count on other women to emotionally sustain them. Women still manage to befriend and support each other on a personal level in a way that few men can. These changes in households and family life are a third tributary to America's deluge of disaster. Americans have lost both the financial dream of ever-increasing prosperity and consumption, and also the emotional family dream of a stable family connected by a present wife creating emotional connection and domestic order. In short, Americans have lost what was the comfort of home.
4. Americans' Increasing Isolation from One Another
A fourth disaster is closely related. The freeze in U.S. real wages coincided with the beginning of Americans' increasing isolation from one another. Beginning once again in the 1970s, nearly all social connections between Americans declined. The decay in U.S. social life was an almost total phenomenon. It extended from inviting friends to dinner, to joining bridge clubs or bowling leagues, to volunteering for noncontroversial activities such as the PTA or Red Cross blood drives, to participating in more controversial activities such as working for a cause or a political candidate.
There was growth in social participation in evangelical religious groups; gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) groups; internet groups; and self-help groups. However, membership in self-help groups, America's greatest social participation growth area, was outnumbered two to one by drop-outs from bowling leagues alone, according to Robert Putnam's 2000 book, Bowling Alone, which I have drawn on for statistics throughout this section.
Several inconclusive theories have emerged as to why Americans have dropped out of U.S. social life and civic life.
Women dropping out of social activities because of working full time outside of the home accounts for only 10 percent of the overall dropout rate.
One might attribute U.S. social desertion to the phenomenon of busyness, but that too is an insufficient explanation. The average American watches four hours of television a day, which would be difficult to manage with an intensely busy schedule. The Internet may seem like a replacement for social interaction, but the Internet isolates people as well as connects them.
Extensive television viewing may be a culprit since more people relate to their television sets than to each other, and the heaviest viewing correlates to the least social participation. But surely this is a symptom as much as a cause of the problems that isolate Americans. I say this because extensive television viewing is reported by the viewers themselves as so unsatisfying that it leaves them "not feeling so good." Their descriptions portray it as an addiction that compels without satisfying. An overwhelming number of viewers watch for the purpose of distraction or entertainment. Television functions as an escape from loneliness, changed gender expectations, and looming economic disaster.
Perhaps the greatest reason is that Americans are psychologically and also physically exhausted. They have fewer vacations and longer workweeks than any of their Western European counterparts. Activity in society, including activity in politics, has become a luxury good for those fortunate few who have extra time and energy. The Left's natural constituency, the mass of Americans, is exhausted, disillusioned, and in despair. To add to their despair, the tremendous wealth at the top of society has been used to fund right-wing media outlets like Fox News, to name just one example. Right-wing media promote the idea that there is no alternative to the status quo. At the same time, the skewed distribution of wealth allows vast sums to be given to politicians who advance the fortunes of those who pay their way. Immense wealth is invested in weakening the regulations against enormous giving at the top. These developments increase the conviction that ordinary people make no difference in politics. They have no voice. The force of the Left is further weakened.
5. The Drugging of America
The fifth tributary that helped to create our deluge of disaster is both a cause and an effect of America's social breakdown. This is the numbing of Americans with psychotropic drugs. In 2006, Americans, who make up approximately 6 percent of the world's population, consumed 66 percent of the world's supply of antidepressants. In 2002, more than 13 percent of Americans were taking Prozac alone. Prozac is one of thirty available antidepressants. Anti-anxiety drugs, such as Zoloft, are so widely prescribed that in the year 2005, the $3.1 billion sales of Zoloft exceeded the sales for Tide detergent.
Many of these drugs, which are also called "cosmetic drugs" or "life-enhancing drugs," are diagnosed for loneliness, sadness, life transitions, or concentration on task performance. They have been "normalized" through extensive direct-to-consumer advertising and marketing to doctors who are financially rewarded for recommending them to colleagues. Regulations that once restrained the widespread promotion and sales of these powerful drugs have been relaxed to the point of near nonexistence. The United States is the only Western nation that permits direct-to-consumer drug advertising. We are also the only nation without price controls on drugs. Psychiatric drugs are so ubiquitous that the pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable industry in America, and antidepressants are their most profitable products.
What Can We Do?
The current disaster did not just happen with the recent burst of the stock market and housing bubbles. Americans somewhere knew for a long time that we could not pay our credit card bills or our mortgages. Somewhere, unconsciously, we had to know that disaster was approaching. We responded with denial, withdrawal, depression, and dissociation accomplished with the aid of extensive television viewing and preoccupation with scandals and celebrities.
Each of the five tributaries flowed together to drown the mass of Americans in debt, family dissolution, isolation, and drug-induced apathy. In response to the original questions that inspired this article, we now need to ask another question: what can we do about it? Americans may now be looking for change. They elected a president who promised change. That change has not happened. Where else can we look?
Capitalism needs and breeds consumerism. We are surrounded by advertisements for products. Ubiquitous advertising has a blighting side effect. The presentation of all human connection now carries a price tag for a branded product. Scenes of connection with a group of friends include, for example, Budweiser beer. The devoted mother is washing your clothes with Tide. The sexy woman, whom men want and women want to be, seems to come with the sleek Toyota. Ads appear whenever we turn on our computers or read newspapers or magazines. Product placement is present in almost every film. Television, America's mass entertainment, embraces product placement and explicit advertising directed to all ages. Capitalist consumerism coveys the message that relationships happen with and through products. There are too few scenes of people trying honestly to connect and surmount their real economic, social, and emotional problems through honest discussion and negotiation. We need more images of people who enjoy their connection and work through the difficult times involved in creating close, mutual, nurturing relationships. How do we manage to effect change within this environment? Where are the contradictions that create openings?
A Time When Noncommercial Values Are Attractive
One opportunity for change has emerged due to the recent capitalist collapse, which has intensified American suffering. People can no longer afford the brand-name products seen on TV. Their economic woes reveal the relentless hustling of now unaffordable consumer products. They try generics, unknown brands, and less consumption, and often find them just as good. This presents us with an opening to question. New, noncommercial values can form.
Since Americans are hooked on the mass media, and the media loves anything new, the Left can create media-attracting new actions. The anarchist group that formed around a book called The Coming Insurrection got full media attention when a well-publicized group jumped on stage at Barnes & Noble in New York for a spontaneous reading that began, "Everyone agrees it's about to explode." The action was widely covered for its novelty.
We can look to the four areas that have grown in the current social drought. They are, in order of their growth, self-help groups, internet groups, evangelical church groups, and GLBT groups.
Self-Help Groups
The largest self-help groups are Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Alcohol and drugs have proved to be a personal and social disaster for millions of Americans, who cannot function on the job and suffer havoc in their personal lives due to these substances. Huge alcohol and pharmaceutical lobbies push these substances on individuals desperate for relief from their problems. The individual solution of self-medicating with drugs and alcohol-promoted so efficiently by capitalism-failed terribly. In the face of that failure, millions join together in small groups where they share their pain and suffering within a supportive, nonjudgmental collective that operates without salaries, advertisements, or financial charges. These twelve-step groups give the Left a window of possibility. We can add a thirteenth step to their twelve-step programs. We can add a step to organize against big pharmaceutical and liquor advertising, which profits on false promises. The Left desperately needs to address people's despair and give them support. We can learn to incorporate nonjudgmental personal and political support, as well as psychological and political dimensions, to Left groups where both nonjudgmental attitudes and psychological support have been sadly lacking. The Left has tried too hard to focus on being correct and not enough effort on reaching people where they are hurting. We need to listen to people without judgment as they do in twelve-step programs.
The GLBT Movement
We can also study the contradictions that helped to produce GLBT organizations. Advertising creates omnipresent images of happiness accessed though products that relate to sexual attractiveness. The sexy woman rides in the man's sleek new car. The virile man drives a big truck and smokes Marlboros. Multibillion-dollar industries such as the diet, cosmetic, and fashion industries promote products to enhance sexual attractiveness. Popular culture celebrates heterosexual coupling and family as ultimate happiness while avoiding mention of collective joys or homosexuality.
The GLBT movement works to include those in their identity group who are excluded from the grand celebration of personal couple happiness built around sexual pairing. The very pressure to channel complex desires into heterosexual coupling helped lead GLBT people to, as a group, articulate collective visions of resistance and envision new possibilities.
Since most families and relationships are breaking down, American people desperately need connection. Organizing creates connection. Collective dreams have a chance to replace the individualistic desires cultivated in capitalist America.
What We Can Learn From Evangelicals' Failures ... and Successes
Conservative evangelical groups create a collective vision and connection while celebrating capitalist success as God's blessing. They provide some of what people desperately need and the Left ignores, such as strong verbal support for important work in the home and a focus on the hard work of child rearing. Conservative evangelicals manage to accomplish this while sex role stereotyping that labor, as well as opposing every form of non-church-based material support that actually allows families to stay afloat. They typically oppose single-payer health plans, Head Start for all, sex education (unless abstinence-based), family planning, maternity and paternity benefits, minimum wage hikes, etc. In the end they cannot deliver the support that families need. The savior they pray to has not saved them from financial and personal desperation and divorce.
Evangelicalism's reduction of morality to personal morality and particularly sexual morality has an embarrassing side effect. Googling "evangelical scandals" results in 3,729,000 hits in five seconds. Evangelical scandals have resulted in reduced credibility. There is now an opportunity for the wider ethical spiritual morality of the community associated with Tikkun and left-leaning evangelicals connected to Sojourners who develop their social, economic, personal, and political morality, and who see political activity as an expression of morality taken into the world. We on the Left have an opportunity to champion our own moral, ethical, and spiritual vision to Americans who desperately need both morality and hope for a better world. Evangelical promotion of the centrality of personal connection and family gives the Left an opening to advocate material and psychological support for all kinds of families. The Left urgently needs a family program to address the mass breakdown of U.S. homes and families.
The evangelical groups can, ironically show us what we are missing. The failure of evangelical morality, which excludes social, economic, and political morality, may create an opening for a much-needed left-wing program of social, political, economic, and personal ethics and morality for which many hunger.
Internet Organizing
There are explicitly political possibilities afforded by the net. MoveOn.org and other political groups organize and mobilize through the Web. In Iran, members of the opposition evaded censors, communicated with each other, and aroused national and international support through Twitter and Facebook. The Facebook account of Neda Soltani's murder focused Iran and the world on the violent repression of Mousavi's supporters. That possibility exists here.
The four social growth groups springing up in America's desert of political opposition point out possible avenues for a Left that desperately needs direction. Let us return to our original questions:
Why are Americans passive as millions lose their homes, their jobs, their families, and the American dream?
Why do Americans remain at home, disorganized, while their European counterparts flood into the streets in militant, organized protests? How did this happen? What forces are responsible? We can see that the cycles of capitalism with its relentless need for consumer spending and capital accumulation at the top have devastated America. We can also see that unbridled capitalism has created mass suffering and then turned the rage of those who suffer against all who need governmental assistance and against additional scapegoats such as homosexuals, feminists, liberals, socialists, and immigrants. We can create new roads to reclaim this nation by organizing and activating the mass of Americans who know that the ostensible "recovery" will never return what they have lost. We dared to elect a president who championed change verbally, who campaigned on unity and respect for all, and who preserves the structures that destroyed our lives. En masse, we have turned to self-help groups, evangelists, psycho-pharmaceutical drugs, and sexual identity politics, which do not solve the multifaceted crisis in which we are drowning. America needs another way. Perhaps we can provide it?
Harriet Fraad is a psychotherapist-hypnotherapist in practice in New York City. She is a founding member of the feminist movement and the journal Rethinking Marxism. For forty years, she has been a radical committed to transforming U.S. personal and political life.
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http://www.apfn.net/MESSAGEBOARD/breakdown.htm Read This!
Thu Nov 17, 2005 21:02
Thu Nov 17, 2005 21:02
BlogWashington.ComMiddle East Report, D.C. - Nov 16, 2005... On sale at the check-out counter at Washington foodstores is The Globe with this unusual Bush's Secret Breakdown cover-story to the left. ... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for GLOBE BUSH'S-SECRET-BREAKDOWN. Washington CrisisFailed and Dangerous Regime Clings to PowerReport: Bush rarely speaks to father, family and friends are split TUE - 15 Nov - Bush Frying: Washington is all abuzz, just under the surface, with one story after another about an abandoned, isolated, betrayed, bunkering President. Add to this stories of drinking, raging, shouting... On sale at the check-out counter at Washington foodstores is The Globe with this unusual Bush's Secret Breakdown cover-story to the left. Other insider-websights have been carrying similar features from 'anonymous' sources for some time now. On Sunday the magazine associated with Washington's conservative Washington Times newspaper went with a lead story from which the following is quoted, the picture below used on the front page of the paper a few days before:"President Bush feels betrayed by several of his most senior aides and advisors and has severely restricted access to the Oval Office, INSIGHT magazine claims in a new report.The president�s reclusiveness in the face of relentless public scrutiny of the U.S.-led war in Iraq and White House leaks regarding CIA operative Valerie Plame has become so extreme that Mr. Bush has also reduced contact with his father, former President George H.W. Bush, administration sources said on the condition of anonymity.The atmosphere in the Oval Office has become unbearable, a source said. Even the family is split.Sources close to the White House say that Mr. Bush has become isolated and feels betrayed by key officials in the wake of plunging domestic support, the continued insurgency in Iraq and the CIA-leak investigation that has resulted in the indictment and resignation of Lewis Scooter Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff.The sources said Mr. Bush maintains daily contact with only four people: first lady Laura Bush, his mother, Barbara Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes. The sources also say that Mr. Bush has stopped talking with his father, except on family occasions." READ MORE... http://www.blogwashington.com//
Bush's Jaw Problemvideo clip Q.T.http://www.apfn.net/bush-jaw.mov
Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior
Bush's Jaw Problemvideo clip Q.T.http://www.apfn.net/bush-jaw.mov
Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior
Teresa Hampton – Capitol Hill Blue July 28, 2004
President George W. Bush is taking powerful anti-depressant drugs to control his erratic behavior, depression and paranoia, Capitol Hill Blue has learned. The prescription drugs, administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House physician, can impair the President’s mental faculties and decrease both his physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis, administration aides admit privately. “It’s a double-edged sword,” says one aide. “We can’t have him flying off the handle at the slightest provocation but we also need a President who is alert mentally.” Tubb prescribed the anti-depressants after a clearly-upset Bush stormed off stage on July 8, refusing to answer reporters' questions about his relationship with indicted Enron executive Kenneth J. Lay. “Keep those motherfuckers away from me,” he screamed at an aide backstage. “If you can’t, I’ll find someone who can.” Bush’s mental stability has become the topic of Washington whispers in recent months. Capitol Hill Blue first reported on June 4 about increasing concern among White House aides over the President’s wide mood swings and obscene outbursts. Although GOP loyalists dismissed the reports an anti-Bush propaganda, the reports were later confirmed by prominent George Washington University psychiatrist Dr. Justin Frank in his book <>
Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President<>.
Dr. Frank diagnosed the President as a “paranoid meglomaniac” and “untreated alcoholic” whose “lifelong streak of sadism, ranging from childhood pranks (using firecrackers to explode frogs) to insulting journalists, gloating over state executions and pumping his hand gleefully before the bombing of Baghdad” showcase Bush’s instabilities. “I was really very unsettled by him and I started watching everything he did and reading what he wrote and watching him on videotape. I felt he was disturbed,” Dr. Frank said. “He fits the profile of a former drinker whose alcoholism has been arrested but not treated.” Dr. Frank’s conclusions have been praised by other prominent psychiatrists, including Dr. James Grotstein, Professor at UCLA Medical Center, and Dr. Irvin Yalom, MD, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University Medical School. The doctors also worry about the wisdom of giving powerful anti-depressant drugs to a person with a history of chemical dependency. Bush is an admitted alcoholic, although he never sought treatment in a formal program, and stories about his cocaine use as a younger man haunted his campaigns for Texas governor and his first campaign for President. “President Bush is an untreated alcoholic with paranoid and megalomaniac tendencies,” Dr. Frank adds. The White House did not return phone calls seeking comment on this article. Although the exact drugs Bush takes to control his depression and behavior are not known, White House sources say they are “powerful medications” designed to bring his erratic actions under control. While Col. Tubb regularly releases a synopsis of the President’s annual physical, details of the President’s health and any drugs or treatment he may receive are not public record and are guarded zealously by the secretive cadre of aides that surround the President. Veteran White House watchers say the ability to control information about Bush’s health, either physical or mental, is similar to Ronald Reagan’s second term when aides managed to conceal the President’s increasing memory lapses that signaled the onslaught of Alzheimer’s Disease. It also brings back memories of Richard Nixon’s final days when the soon-to-resign President wondered the halls and talked to portraits of former Presidents. The stories didn’t emerge until after Nixon left office. One long-time GOP political consultant who – for obvious reasons – asked not to be identified said he is advising his Republican Congressional candidates to keep their distance from Bush. “We have to face the very real possibility that the President of the United States is loony tunes,” he says sadly. “That’s not good for my candidates, it’s not good for the party and it’s certainly not good for the country.” © Copyright 2004 by Capitol Hill Blue www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_4921.shtml Also see: Angry Bush Walks Out on Media www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=2020
Washington Shrink Calls Bush a "Paranoid, Sadistic Meglomaniac" www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1942
Bush's Erratic Behaviour Worries White House Aides www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1901 Voice of the White House, June 10-14, 2004 www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1940 Voice of the White House – May 31 to June 4, 2004 www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1914 Voice of the White House May 31, 2004 www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1909 Voice of the White House www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1871 Notes from Inside the White House www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1806 http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=2094
From Capitol Hill BlueThe RantBush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'By DOUG THOMPSONDec 9, 2005, 07:53http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/printer_7779.shtml
From Capitol Hill BlueThe RantBush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'By DOUG THOMPSONDec 9, 2005, 07:53http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/printer_7779.shtml
Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal.GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the shit that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that “goddamned piece of paper” used to guarantee.Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.”Put aside, for a moment, political affiliation or personal beliefs. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. It doesn’t matter if you support the invasion or Iraq or not. Despite our differences, the Constitution has stood for two centuries as the defining document of our government, the final source to determine – in the end – if something is legal or right.Every federal official – including the President – who takes an oath of office swears to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he cringes when someone calls the Constitution a “living document.”“"Oh, how I hate the phrase we have—a 'living document,’” Scalia says. “We now have a Constitution that means whatever we want it to mean. The Constitution is not a living organism, for Pete's sake.”As a judge, Scalia says, “I don't have to prove that the Constitution is perfect; I just have to prove that it's better than anything else.”President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.” Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion.Scalia says the danger of tinkering with the Constitution comes from a loss of rights.“We can take away rights just as we can grant new ones,” Scalia warns. “Don't think that it's a one-way street.”And don’t buy the White House hype that the USA Patriot Act is a necessary tool to fight terrorism. It is a dangerous law that infringes on the rights of every American citizen and, as one brave aide told President Bush, something that undermines the Constitution of the United States.But why should Bush care? After all, the Constitution is just “a goddamned piece of paper.”© Copyright 2005 Capitol Hill Blue
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Where there's smoke, there's ireBy DOUG THOMPSONDec 12, 2005, 08:33
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The firestorm over Friday’s column quoting President George W. Bush’s obscene outburst over the Constitution continues to grow with our email box overflowing from outraged readers who think the President should be impeached along with pro-Bushites who want my head on a platter.
I’m surprised by the public’s anger over this. When a GOP operative first emailed me about the White House meeting where Bush called the Constitution “just a goddamned piece of paper,” I put it aside as one of many reports I get about the President’s temper tantrums.
Bush lashed out at an aide who dared question him on the USA Patriot Act. That’s typical Bush. We started reporting on the President’s outbursts last year and those tantrums are now widely reported now by the so-called “mainstream media.”
As Evan Thomas and Richard Wolfe write in the current edition of Newsweek:
“A White House aide, who like virtually all White House officials (in this story and in general) refused to be identified for fear of antagonizing the president… How many people dare to snap back at a president? Not many, and not unless they have known the president a long, long time. (Even Karl Rove, or "Turd Blossom," as he is sometimes addressed by the president, knows when to hold his tongue.) In the Bush White House, disagreement is often equated with disloyalty… his attitude toward Congress was "my way or the highway," according to a GOP staffer who did not want to be identified criticizing the president.”
We get tips about Bush’s temper and his comments all the time. Most of the tips don’t get used because we don’t go with information from just one source. The tip about “the goddamned piece of paper” seemed destined for the byte bin until a second aide, in casual conversation, mentioned the comment.
So I called a third source who has confirmed information in the past. At first he was defensive.
“Who told you about that?” I told him I’d picked it up from two other sources.
“Look, you know how the President is,” he said. “He gets agitated when people challenge him.”
All I wanted to know was did the President of the United States call the Constitution a “goddamned piece of paper.”
“Yeah. He did.”
So I went with the story. To me it was just another example of a President who too often lets his anger get the better of him, particularly with anyone who dares disagree. I didn’t see it as a rallying cry for those who either want Bush’s head for his various misdeeds or mine for daring report them.
Some say Bush should be impeached. Sorry, I don’t agree. He’s not the first President to consider the Constitution an expendable document and he won’t be the last. Most Presidents have complained that the Constitution gets in their way.
When Teddy Roosevelt decided to send the Marines into North Africa, his Secretary of State cautioned him such an act would be unconstitutional.
Teddy snapped back: “Why destroy the beauty of the act with legalities?”
Presidents, by their nature, look for ways to skirt the law when that law gets in the way of their agendas. If we impeached every President who disregarded the Constitution when it didn’t suit his purposes we probably would have tried just about every President in the last 50 years.
Those who support the President no matter what now demand that I release the names of aides who passed on the information.
Sorry. Doesn’t work that way. I don’t burn sources. Never have. Never will. And, as every news outlet that covers Washington knows, the Bush administration comes down hard on anyone who talks out of school about the President.
“Sometimes the only way to get a story is to promise confidentiality,” Lucy Dalglish, executive director of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press advocacy group, told the Christian Science Monitor recently.
In a White House where any disagreement with the President is branded as disloyalty or, in some cases, unpatriotic, the only sources who will tell us what’s really going on are those who choose to remain anonymous.
It ain’t perfect but in these imperfect times, it’s the best we’ve got.© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue
Frequent accidents? OR
You can blame it on a pretzel....
Our Mentally Sick President
Review by Marc Cherbonnier -->Bush On The Couch: Inside the Mind of the Presidentby Justin A. Frank, M.D.ReganBooks, 2004, 247 pages(An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers)
In this non-fiction book Justin A. Frank, M.D., a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at George Washington University Medical Center, analyzes George W. Bush "at a distance" using Bush's public statements and behavior, personal accounts of events and the historical record. Frank's findings are that the president suffers from childhood trauma and untreated alcohol abuse, as well as dyslexia, ADHD, and other thought disorders resulting in arrested character and personality development.
Overall, Dr. Frank concludes that George W. Bush is wholly unfit for the office he holds, and believes the country and world is at great risk if Bush is re-elected. A sample of one area of Bush's mental and character disorders is explored in chapter 6, where the doctor delves into what's behind Bush's special smirks:
Long before he led our nation into war, George W. Bush exhibited an appetite for destruction. As a child, Bush inserted firecrackers into the bodies of [live] frogs, lighting the fuses and blowing the creatures up. As president of his fraternity at Yale, he used a branding iron to maim young pledges. As governor of Texas, he was observed smirking over the executions of death-row inmates, many of whom were later found to have received inadequate legal protection..... Dr. Frank doesn't discuss the Afghanistan and Iraq torture and abuse scandals (these stories broke after his book went to press), but based upon Bush's pattern of behavior one can readily see a strong likelihood that Bush had a direct and active role in setting the cruelest possible policies toward prisoners—for fun.
I recommend this book to readers with a strong stomach.
==================================================================================== Bush's drinking and drug use must be investigatedBy DOUG THOMPSONPublisher, Capitol Hill BlueJan 3, 2006, 00:00 It is my belief that President George W. Bush is drinking again. Even worse, he may be mixing alcohol and anti-depressants -- a dangerous combination for anyone, let alone the so-called leader of the free world.No, I don’t have any proof of this, just random events and comments from those who work in and around the Bush administration and who tell me the President has acted in ways that suggest the use of alcohol and drugs. I’m a recovering alcoholic (sober 11 years, six months and 24 days) and I’ve run across a lot of relapsed drinkers who show the same symptoms as the President, including: Blacking out while watching television alone; Slurred speech and stammering responses to simple questions; Anger and hostility in front of staff members; Unexplained bruises on his face; Trouble remembering recent events or comments.During his trip to Mongolia last November, Bush openly sampled the local drink Airag, which is fermented milk with an alcohol content ranging from three to twelve percent. In other words, booze.This was the same trip where Bush tried to evade reporters’ question by attempting to walk out a locked door and then turned sheepishly to the cameras and said he was “jet-lagged.” Some at the event said his stride was unsteady and his speech slurred....http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7936.shtml=================================================================================
**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, anycopyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use withoutprofit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest inreceiving the included information for non-profit research andeducational purposes only.http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
Where there's smoke, there's ireBy DOUG THOMPSONDec 12, 2005, 08:33
Email this article Printer friendly page
The firestorm over Friday’s column quoting President George W. Bush’s obscene outburst over the Constitution continues to grow with our email box overflowing from outraged readers who think the President should be impeached along with pro-Bushites who want my head on a platter.
I’m surprised by the public’s anger over this. When a GOP operative first emailed me about the White House meeting where Bush called the Constitution “just a goddamned piece of paper,” I put it aside as one of many reports I get about the President’s temper tantrums.
Bush lashed out at an aide who dared question him on the USA Patriot Act. That’s typical Bush. We started reporting on the President’s outbursts last year and those tantrums are now widely reported now by the so-called “mainstream media.”
As Evan Thomas and Richard Wolfe write in the current edition of Newsweek:
“A White House aide, who like virtually all White House officials (in this story and in general) refused to be identified for fear of antagonizing the president… How many people dare to snap back at a president? Not many, and not unless they have known the president a long, long time. (Even Karl Rove, or "Turd Blossom," as he is sometimes addressed by the president, knows when to hold his tongue.) In the Bush White House, disagreement is often equated with disloyalty… his attitude toward Congress was "my way or the highway," according to a GOP staffer who did not want to be identified criticizing the president.”
We get tips about Bush’s temper and his comments all the time. Most of the tips don’t get used because we don’t go with information from just one source. The tip about “the goddamned piece of paper” seemed destined for the byte bin until a second aide, in casual conversation, mentioned the comment.
So I called a third source who has confirmed information in the past. At first he was defensive.
“Who told you about that?” I told him I’d picked it up from two other sources.
“Look, you know how the President is,” he said. “He gets agitated when people challenge him.”
All I wanted to know was did the President of the United States call the Constitution a “goddamned piece of paper.”
“Yeah. He did.”
So I went with the story. To me it was just another example of a President who too often lets his anger get the better of him, particularly with anyone who dares disagree. I didn’t see it as a rallying cry for those who either want Bush’s head for his various misdeeds or mine for daring report them.
Some say Bush should be impeached. Sorry, I don’t agree. He’s not the first President to consider the Constitution an expendable document and he won’t be the last. Most Presidents have complained that the Constitution gets in their way.
When Teddy Roosevelt decided to send the Marines into North Africa, his Secretary of State cautioned him such an act would be unconstitutional.
Teddy snapped back: “Why destroy the beauty of the act with legalities?”
Presidents, by their nature, look for ways to skirt the law when that law gets in the way of their agendas. If we impeached every President who disregarded the Constitution when it didn’t suit his purposes we probably would have tried just about every President in the last 50 years.
Those who support the President no matter what now demand that I release the names of aides who passed on the information.
Sorry. Doesn’t work that way. I don’t burn sources. Never have. Never will. And, as every news outlet that covers Washington knows, the Bush administration comes down hard on anyone who talks out of school about the President.
“Sometimes the only way to get a story is to promise confidentiality,” Lucy Dalglish, executive director of The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press advocacy group, told the Christian Science Monitor recently.
In a White House where any disagreement with the President is branded as disloyalty or, in some cases, unpatriotic, the only sources who will tell us what’s really going on are those who choose to remain anonymous.
It ain’t perfect but in these imperfect times, it’s the best we’ve got.© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue
Frequent accidents? OR
You can blame it on a pretzel....
Our Mentally Sick President
Review by Marc Cherbonnier -->Bush On The Couch: Inside the Mind of the Presidentby Justin A. Frank, M.D.ReganBooks, 2004, 247 pages(An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers)
In this non-fiction book Justin A. Frank, M.D., a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at George Washington University Medical Center, analyzes George W. Bush "at a distance" using Bush's public statements and behavior, personal accounts of events and the historical record. Frank's findings are that the president suffers from childhood trauma and untreated alcohol abuse, as well as dyslexia, ADHD, and other thought disorders resulting in arrested character and personality development.
Overall, Dr. Frank concludes that George W. Bush is wholly unfit for the office he holds, and believes the country and world is at great risk if Bush is re-elected. A sample of one area of Bush's mental and character disorders is explored in chapter 6, where the doctor delves into what's behind Bush's special smirks:
Long before he led our nation into war, George W. Bush exhibited an appetite for destruction. As a child, Bush inserted firecrackers into the bodies of [live] frogs, lighting the fuses and blowing the creatures up. As president of his fraternity at Yale, he used a branding iron to maim young pledges. As governor of Texas, he was observed smirking over the executions of death-row inmates, many of whom were later found to have received inadequate legal protection..... Dr. Frank doesn't discuss the Afghanistan and Iraq torture and abuse scandals (these stories broke after his book went to press), but based upon Bush's pattern of behavior one can readily see a strong likelihood that Bush had a direct and active role in setting the cruelest possible policies toward prisoners—for fun.
I recommend this book to readers with a strong stomach.
==================================================================================== Bush's drinking and drug use must be investigatedBy DOUG THOMPSONPublisher, Capitol Hill BlueJan 3, 2006, 00:00 It is my belief that President George W. Bush is drinking again. Even worse, he may be mixing alcohol and anti-depressants -- a dangerous combination for anyone, let alone the so-called leader of the free world.No, I don’t have any proof of this, just random events and comments from those who work in and around the Bush administration and who tell me the President has acted in ways that suggest the use of alcohol and drugs. I’m a recovering alcoholic (sober 11 years, six months and 24 days) and I’ve run across a lot of relapsed drinkers who show the same symptoms as the President, including: Blacking out while watching television alone; Slurred speech and stammering responses to simple questions; Anger and hostility in front of staff members; Unexplained bruises on his face; Trouble remembering recent events or comments.During his trip to Mongolia last November, Bush openly sampled the local drink Airag, which is fermented milk with an alcohol content ranging from three to twelve percent. In other words, booze.This was the same trip where Bush tried to evade reporters’ question by attempting to walk out a locked door and then turned sheepishly to the cameras and said he was “jet-lagged.” Some at the event said his stride was unsteady and his speech slurred....http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7936.shtml=================================================================================
**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, anycopyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use withoutprofit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest inreceiving the included information for non-profit research andeducational purposes only.http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
Boeing 747 marks a major milestone
The first jumbo jet made its maiden commercial flight 40 years ago today. More than 1,400 of the planes with their signature hump have rolled off the Boeing assembly line.
The first jumbo jet made its maiden commercial flight 40 years ago today. More than 1,400 of the planes with their signature hump have rolled off the Boeing assembly line.
It was the kind of plane that seemed to fit the swinging go-go days with martini-swigging travelers lingering around a bar.First-class passengers dressed in their Sunday best made their way up a spiral staircase to get to the "flying penthouse," harking memories of private rail cars.It seemed the epitome of plushness when it made its first commercial flight 40 years ago today. A Times reporter described the cabin as a "luxurious auditorium some genie had wafted aloft."Boeing Co.'s 747 was not only the biggest plane that anyone had ever seen before -- it was nearly three times larger than the largest jet flying at the time -- it transformed travel in a way that few have."It was marvelous," said Marilyn Murphy, a former Pan Am "stewardess" -- the term for what are now "flight attendants" -- who flew on the 747 during its early years. "I always felt it revolutionized the way people travel because it became more of a social experience. People would congregate around the plane and talk about where they had been or where they were going."The plane was a game changer for Pan Am, which at the time was an international powerhouse but ceased operations in 1991. As soon as the airline received its first 747 in 1970, Chief Executive Juan Trippe switched the flight attendants' uniforms, giving them a classier look with pristine white gloves and stylish blue hats."The plane ushered in a new era of luxury travel," said Scott Hamilton, an aviation industry consultant in Issaquah, Wash. "It is truly an American icon. It was the first jumbo jet and a wonderful technical achievement."But when the first 747 rolled off the assembly line, the aircraft was so huge that some pilots refused to fly it and critics said it would never get off the ground. It almost bankrupted Boeing, and airport officials worried about how they would handle all the passengers.Two generations later, the jumbo jet with its signature hump is still flying high and is one of the most recognizable planes in the world. Many of the 747 components were built in Southern California, including the 172-foot-long center fuselage in Hawthorne.History books say the plane made its first commercial flight on Jan. 21, 1970, but the Pan Am flight actually took off from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport bound for London's Heathrow Airport at 1:52 a.m. Jan. 22 because of a 6¦1/2§-hour delay.Four decades later, the 747 is still a common sight at Los Angeles International Airport, where dozens of the latest generation of the mammoth plane carry thousands of passengers to far-flung destinations in Asia and Europe each day.Two years ago, the 747 was dethroned as the world's largest passenger jet when the double-decked Airbus A380 entered service with Singapore Airlines.Boeing built more than 1,400 747s, making it one of the most successful commercial jetliners ever.Air Force One, a modified 747, continues to be a symbol of U.S. might. And NASA still uses a 747 to transport space shuttles back to Florida whenever they land at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert.But things weren't always so rosy for the 747. When the program was undertaken, Boeing didn't have the financial strength or the manufacturing capability to produce them. The company went deep into debt and had to strike deals with suppliers to make the parts on their own dime."It was really a critical time for Boeing," Joe Sutter, chief engineer on the 747, said in an interview. "There came a time when the banks didn't want to lend us any more money. So, by going after the 747, the company was essentially committing the entire company."It didn't get any easier as the program went forward. The airplane was overweight and the new engines had overheating problems."We knew we'd have a good flying machine once we worked the kinks out," Sutter said. "It was make or break for the company."The 747's cavernous cabin, which was built in Hawthorne, changed travelers' flying experiences. Before the 747, traveling on a jetliner was like flying in a cramped metal tube.The change was dramatic. The 747, with its five cabin sections and twin aisles, stretched nearly the length of a football field. It could carry more than twice as many passengers as existing commercial planes, and amenities such as multiple movie screens and snack bars seemed to make flying more enjoyable."Flying in a 747 is more like flying in a room with high ceilings than anything else," Hamilton said.To this day, the Hawthorne factory ships fuselage panels -- now for the forthcoming variant, the 747-8 -- to Boeing's assembly plant in Everett, Wash., by rail.The site, currently operated by Vought Aircraft Industries Inc., has produced the fuselage panels for every 747 that has taken to the skies -- including Air Force One -- since the aircraft program began in 1966."A tremendous amount of people in this area can attribute their jobs to the 747," said Dana Dickson, the site's general manager. "There have been quite a few father-and-son teams that have worked on the program."Twice a week, Vought packages the parts and sends them along to Boeing in three custom, oversized rail cars. For the most part, the arrangement has worked without a hitch, Dickson said. But in the 40-year partnership, there have been a few hiccups. One of them was the Mt. St. Helens eruption in Washington in 1980."We were at peak production around that time, so it sreally made things difficult," Dickson said. "There were about 2 or 3 inches of volcanic ash on the tracks. So, everything had to be cleaned up, and we had to put special packaging on the product. It was just a wild time."The Hawthorne site is only five miles east of LAX. Every day, the 1,100 people who work at the plant can see the fruits of their labor. LAX has more 747 passenger flights than any other airport in the country."Every now and then you'll hear one of the workers say, 'There goes the jewel in the sky,'" said Reggie Morris, a Vought aircraft mechanic who has worked there for 35 years. "Without looking, I know that the 747 is flying by. There's a lot of pride and integrity that comes with that."william.hennigan@ latimes.com
Anyone with an e-mail account likely knows that police can peek inside it if they have a paper search warrant.
But cybercrime investigators are frustrated by the speed of traditional methods of faxing, mailing, or e-mailing companies these documents. They're pushing for the creation of a national Web interface linking police computers with those of Internet and e-mail providers so requests can be sent and received electronically.
CNET has reviewed a survey scheduled to be released at a federal task force meeting on Thursday, which says that law enforcement agencies are virtually unanimous in calling for such an interface to be created. Eighty-nine percent of police surveyed, it says, want to be able to "exchange legal process requests and responses to legal process" through an encrypted, police-only "nationwide computer network." (See one excerpt and another.)
But cybercrime investigators are frustrated by the speed of traditional methods of faxing, mailing, or e-mailing companies these documents. They're pushing for the creation of a national Web interface linking police computers with those of Internet and e-mail providers so requests can be sent and received electronically.
CNET has reviewed a survey scheduled to be released at a federal task force meeting on Thursday, which says that law enforcement agencies are virtually unanimous in calling for such an interface to be created. Eighty-nine percent of police surveyed, it says, want to be able to "exchange legal process requests and responses to legal process" through an encrypted, police-only "nationwide computer network." (See one excerpt and another.)
The survey, according to two people with knowledge of the situation, is part of a broader push from law enforcement agencies to alter the ground rules of online investigations. Other components include renewed calls for laws requiring Internet companies to store data about their users for up to five years and increased pressure on companies to respond to police inquiries in hours instead of days.
But the most controversial element is probably the private Web interface, which raises novel security and privacy concerns, especially in the wake of a recent inspector general's report (PDF) from the Justice Department. The 289-page report detailed how the FBI obtained Americans' telephone records by citing nonexistent emergencies and simply asking for the data or writing phone numbers on a sticky note rather than following procedures required by law.
Some companies already have police-only Web interfaces. Sprint Nextel operates what it calls the L-Site, also known as the "legal compliance secure Web portal." The company even has offered a course that "will teach you how to create and track legal demands through L-site. Learn to navigate and securely download requested records." Cox Communications makes its price list for complying with police requests public; a 30-day wiretap is $3,500.
The police survey is not exactly unbiased: its author is Frank Kardasz, who is scheduled to present it at a meeting (PDF) of the Online Safety and Technology Working Group, organized by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Kardasz, a sergeant in the Phoenix police department and a project director of Arizona's Internet Crimes Against Children task force, said in an e-mail exchange on Tuesday that he is still revising the document and was unable to discuss it.
In an incendiary October 2009 essay, however, Kardasz wrote that Internet service providers that do not keep records long enough "are the unwitting facilitators of Internet crimes against children" and called for new laws to "mandate data preservation and reporting." He predicts that those companies will begin to face civil lawsuits because of their "lethargic investigative process."
"It sounds very dangerous," says Lee Tien, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, referring to the police-only Web interface. "Let's assume you set this sort of thing up. What does that mean in terms of what the law enforcement officer be able to do? Would they be able to fish through transactional information for anyone? I don't understand how you create a system like this without it."
What police see in ISPsKardasz's survey, based on questionnaires completed by 100 police investigators, says that 61 percent of them had their investigations harmed "because data was not retained" and only 40 percent were satisfied with the timeliness of responses from Internet providers.
"You can be very supportive of law enforcement investigations and at the same time be very cognizant and supportive of the privacy rights of our users."
--Hemanshu Nigam, chief security officer, MySpace
It also says: "89 percent of investigators agreed that a nationwide computer network should be established for the purpose of linking ISPs with law enforcement agencies so that they may exchange legal process requests and responses to legal process. Authorized users would communicate through encrypted virtual private networks in order to maintain the security of the data."
Some of the responses to other questions: "AT&T is very prompt." "Cox Communications seems to be the worst." "Places like Yahoo can take a month for basic subscriber info which is also a problem." "AT&T Mobility does not keep a log at all." "MySpace give (sic) me the quickest response and they have been very pro-police."
Hemanshu (Hemu) Nigam, MySpace's chief security officer, said in an interview with CNET on Tuesday that: "You can be very supportive of law enforcement investigations and at the same time be very cognizant and supportive of the privacy rights of our users. Every time a legal process comes in, whether it's a subpoena or a search order, we do a legal review to make sure it's appropriate."
Nigam said that MySpace accepts law enforcement requests through e-mail, fax, and postal mail, and that it has a 24-hour operations center that tries to respond to requests soon after they've been reviewed to make sure state and federal laws are being followed. MySpace does not have a police-only Web interface, he said.
Creating a national police-only network would be problematic, Nigam said. "I wish I knew the number of local police agencies in the country, or even police officers in the country," he said. "Right there that would tell you how difficult it would be to implement, even though ideally it would be a good thing."
Another obstacle to creating a nation-wide Web interface for cops--one wag has dubbed it "DragNet," and another "Porknet"--is that some of its thousands of users could be infected by viruses and other malware. Once an infected computer is hooked up to the national network, it could leak confidential information about ongoing investigations.
Jim Harper, a policy analyst at the free-market Cato Institute, says that he welcomes the idea of a police-only Web interface as long as it's designed carefully. "A system like this should have strong logins, should require that the request be documented fully, and should produce statistical information so there can be strong oversight," he says. "I think that's a good thing to have."
But the most controversial element is probably the private Web interface, which raises novel security and privacy concerns, especially in the wake of a recent inspector general's report (PDF) from the Justice Department. The 289-page report detailed how the FBI obtained Americans' telephone records by citing nonexistent emergencies and simply asking for the data or writing phone numbers on a sticky note rather than following procedures required by law.
Some companies already have police-only Web interfaces. Sprint Nextel operates what it calls the L-Site, also known as the "legal compliance secure Web portal." The company even has offered a course that "will teach you how to create and track legal demands through L-site. Learn to navigate and securely download requested records." Cox Communications makes its price list for complying with police requests public; a 30-day wiretap is $3,500.
The police survey is not exactly unbiased: its author is Frank Kardasz, who is scheduled to present it at a meeting (PDF) of the Online Safety and Technology Working Group, organized by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Kardasz, a sergeant in the Phoenix police department and a project director of Arizona's Internet Crimes Against Children task force, said in an e-mail exchange on Tuesday that he is still revising the document and was unable to discuss it.
In an incendiary October 2009 essay, however, Kardasz wrote that Internet service providers that do not keep records long enough "are the unwitting facilitators of Internet crimes against children" and called for new laws to "mandate data preservation and reporting." He predicts that those companies will begin to face civil lawsuits because of their "lethargic investigative process."
"It sounds very dangerous," says Lee Tien, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, referring to the police-only Web interface. "Let's assume you set this sort of thing up. What does that mean in terms of what the law enforcement officer be able to do? Would they be able to fish through transactional information for anyone? I don't understand how you create a system like this without it."
What police see in ISPsKardasz's survey, based on questionnaires completed by 100 police investigators, says that 61 percent of them had their investigations harmed "because data was not retained" and only 40 percent were satisfied with the timeliness of responses from Internet providers.
"You can be very supportive of law enforcement investigations and at the same time be very cognizant and supportive of the privacy rights of our users."
--Hemanshu Nigam, chief security officer, MySpace
It also says: "89 percent of investigators agreed that a nationwide computer network should be established for the purpose of linking ISPs with law enforcement agencies so that they may exchange legal process requests and responses to legal process. Authorized users would communicate through encrypted virtual private networks in order to maintain the security of the data."
Some of the responses to other questions: "AT&T is very prompt." "Cox Communications seems to be the worst." "Places like Yahoo can take a month for basic subscriber info which is also a problem." "AT&T Mobility does not keep a log at all." "MySpace give (sic) me the quickest response and they have been very pro-police."
Hemanshu (Hemu) Nigam, MySpace's chief security officer, said in an interview with CNET on Tuesday that: "You can be very supportive of law enforcement investigations and at the same time be very cognizant and supportive of the privacy rights of our users. Every time a legal process comes in, whether it's a subpoena or a search order, we do a legal review to make sure it's appropriate."
Nigam said that MySpace accepts law enforcement requests through e-mail, fax, and postal mail, and that it has a 24-hour operations center that tries to respond to requests soon after they've been reviewed to make sure state and federal laws are being followed. MySpace does not have a police-only Web interface, he said.
Creating a national police-only network would be problematic, Nigam said. "I wish I knew the number of local police agencies in the country, or even police officers in the country," he said. "Right there that would tell you how difficult it would be to implement, even though ideally it would be a good thing."
Another obstacle to creating a nation-wide Web interface for cops--one wag has dubbed it "DragNet," and another "Porknet"--is that some of its thousands of users could be infected by viruses and other malware. Once an infected computer is hooked up to the national network, it could leak confidential information about ongoing investigations.
Jim Harper, a policy analyst at the free-market Cato Institute, says that he welcomes the idea of a police-only Web interface as long as it's designed carefully. "A system like this should have strong logins, should require that the request be documented fully, and should produce statistical information so there can be strong oversight," he says. "I think that's a good thing to have."
When I first went to this website, http://www.predatorylendingassociation.com/
I thought it was a joke! But this is a serious website run by serious people looking to separate you from your cash! From the website;
Industry Threats
In the last 10 years, payday loan stores have gone from being illegal to outnumbering Starbucks™ coffee shops in many states. Legislation legalized our industry and lobbying is what protects our profits.
Find out if we've given money to your legislators: Go to www.followthemoney.org and select Payday/Title Loans from the Special Interests menu on the right.
Legislative Threats
2007 Defense Authorization Bill: Congress recently capped the payday loan interest for military personnel at 36%. Read about the military loan crisis to learn more.
Credit unions: The North Carolina Crisis demonstrates how credit unions and interest rate caps can destroy our industry. We won't let your state become the next North Carolina.
Predatory Lending Legislative Victories
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: This so-called "Consumer Protection Act" is a landmark victory for the predatory lending industry. This act makes it extremely difficult for consumers to file for bankruptcy and makes it easy for us to collect loan fees.
Statewide consumer protection legislation: A full list of 2007 payday loan consumer protection legislation can be found here. We urge legislators to honor the free market and eliminate all consumer protection.
Internet payday loans: Internet payday lending is controversial since it can steal profit from our payday lending stores. However, we support Internet payday loans because they enable the free market to work around the constraints of state governments.
Questions about threats to the payday loan industry? Ask other members of the lending community in our discussion forum.
In the last 10 years, payday loan stores have gone from being illegal to outnumbering Starbucks™ coffee shops in many states. Legislation legalized our industry and lobbying is what protects our profits.
Find out if we've given money to your legislators: Go to www.followthemoney.org and select Payday/Title Loans from the Special Interests menu on the right.
Legislative Threats
2007 Defense Authorization Bill: Congress recently capped the payday loan interest for military personnel at 36%. Read about the military loan crisis to learn more.
Credit unions: The North Carolina Crisis demonstrates how credit unions and interest rate caps can destroy our industry. We won't let your state become the next North Carolina.
Predatory Lending Legislative Victories
Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005: This so-called "Consumer Protection Act" is a landmark victory for the predatory lending industry. This act makes it extremely difficult for consumers to file for bankruptcy and makes it easy for us to collect loan fees.
Statewide consumer protection legislation: A full list of 2007 payday loan consumer protection legislation can be found here. We urge legislators to honor the free market and eliminate all consumer protection.
Internet payday loans: Internet payday lending is controversial since it can steal profit from our payday lending stores. However, we support Internet payday loans because they enable the free market to work around the constraints of state governments.
Questions about threats to the payday loan industry? Ask other members of the lending community in our discussion forum.
Foreclosure is a legal process wherein a lien holder (the person who owns your debt) forces the sale of collateral (your house) to satisfy the debt when you no longer have the ability to make the required payments. When it happens to someone else, it is too bad, when it happens to you, it is bewildering and somewhat scary. In order to counter that fear, you need information which all too often (you are told) is only available from an attorney and at a high price.
Nothing in what you are about to read should be considered legal advice. It is information gleaned from years of study of this current economic recession. While there is a certain commonality to every situation, your situation is unique. NOTHING IN THIS ESSAY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED LEGAL ADVICE. FOR SPECIFICS AS TO YOUR CURCUMSTANCES IN RESPECT TO THE LAWS OF YOUR STATE, YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. THE PURPOSE OF THIS ESSAY IS TO BE INFORMATIVE , TO EXPLORE ALL OF THE OPTIONS WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU SO YOU CAN MAKE A FULLY INFORMED CHOICE.
Foreclosure is a different process in each state. Some states require a court order, others are non judicial. A non-judicial state simply requires the interested party follow a set procedure to foreclose. A judicial state requires the interested party to file suit and you must follow the procedures for responding to any lawsuit. If you choose not to answer or defend the suit, the court will find in the plaintiff’s favour by default. You need to determine exactly what your state law is on this. If you will check out this website (http://www.foreclosurelaw.org/) you will find basic information on the foreclosure laws in your state. From there, you should do a google search using a term such as (foreclosure laws ID…or AK …or ??). You should be able to find the specifics to your state that way.
The foreclosure process usually follows this basic order:
Notice of Default (NOD)
Notice of Intent to Accelerate (NIA)
Notice of Foreclosure (NOF)
What you probably do not know is that your mortgage information is available from list brokers for people who wish to sell to this demographic. Your specific information isn’t available, but a great deal of information is available by certain filters in the overall larger database. The most common are 30/60/90/120 days late (all or some combination thereof), NOD & NOF. There are marketers out there who will attempt to contact you during the late payment period to try to sell you a refinance package or perhaps even a loan modification package. Once you get to the NOD/NOF period, you can expect to be contacted by real estate professionals who would like to help you sell your house.
There are seven ways to respond to your situation. They are:
Loan Modification
Quick sale
Short sale
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure (aka Jingle Mail)
Contested Foreclosure
How you respond depends upon where you are in the process.
Re-finance is an option only in the very early stages of the process and you may not find it available at all. In the good ol bad ol days, mortgage brokers were selling all sorts of mortgage products. There were Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs), Option ARMs (where you “choose your payments” and even Negative Amortization Mortgages (NAMs) where your payment wasn’t enough to satisfy even the interest payment on the note. Unpaid interest accrued to the principal and would be rolled over when you refinanced the note when (hopefully) the value of the house was higher than when you first bought it. If you are very early in this process (as in your ARM or Option ARM is resetting to a higher interest rate) you might be able to refinance. It is certainly worth the try as the rest of this process is not pleasant to live through.
Loan Modification
Loan modification is where you negotiate with the lien holder to modify the terms of the contract. Many people think that once the mortgage process is completed the terms and conditions are what they are. This isn’t true. Provided all parties agree, any change can be made. The Federal Government has incentives in place to motivate banks to modify home loans so the homeowner can stay in their home (there are countering incentives which will be explored later). The banks will ask you to fill out a series of forms which spell out your actual income and your actual expenses. They will want to see exactly how much money you make and exactly where it goes. You will need to fax this information to the bank. You may be able to use USPS, but odds are high they will request you to fax the information. The banks do not seem to be set up to use email with attachments so if you do not have fax capabilities on your computer, you will need to use someone else’s fax machine.
The process is intensive and takes a lot of time. The banks themselves do not make it easy. You often will find yourself sitting on hold for long periods of time and never talking to the same person twice. There are numerous reports from people stating the banks “lose” the paperwork requiring the homeowner to fax the same information many times. During this process, the loan itself falls further into delinquency and further towards the default/foreclosure deadline. There are even reports of houses being foreclosed upon during this loan modification process. One side of the bank is telling you to not worry about the foreclosure process and assures you your loan modification request is being processed quickly and not to worry. Meanwhile, the other side of the bank is continuing with the foreclosure process. There are reports of homeowners being notified of the sale after it has happened even while negotiations on a loan mod were ongoing.
There are companies out there who will offer to do the loan mod for you; to stay on top of the negotiations so that they are completed in a timely manner. Many states have regulated the process of loan modifications so that the company may not collect a fee in advance. Some states even require the loan modification company be a law firm or affiliated with a law firm. Please be aware, with the advent of this banking/mortgage crisis, scam artists are crawling out of the woodwork. It is imperative you do your due diligence on any company or attorney group you may hire to do the loan modification process for you. There are many stories out there of homeowners who have hired a company to handle the loan modification process for them only to lose both their houses as well as a large amount of money. For more information about the loan modification pitfalls, google: Loan Mod Scams
Nothing in what you are about to read should be considered legal advice. It is information gleaned from years of study of this current economic recession. While there is a certain commonality to every situation, your situation is unique. NOTHING IN THIS ESSAY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED LEGAL ADVICE. FOR SPECIFICS AS TO YOUR CURCUMSTANCES IN RESPECT TO THE LAWS OF YOUR STATE, YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. THE PURPOSE OF THIS ESSAY IS TO BE INFORMATIVE , TO EXPLORE ALL OF THE OPTIONS WHICH ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU SO YOU CAN MAKE A FULLY INFORMED CHOICE.
Foreclosure is a different process in each state. Some states require a court order, others are non judicial. A non-judicial state simply requires the interested party follow a set procedure to foreclose. A judicial state requires the interested party to file suit and you must follow the procedures for responding to any lawsuit. If you choose not to answer or defend the suit, the court will find in the plaintiff’s favour by default. You need to determine exactly what your state law is on this. If you will check out this website (http://www.foreclosurelaw.org/) you will find basic information on the foreclosure laws in your state. From there, you should do a google search using a term such as (foreclosure laws ID…or AK …or ??). You should be able to find the specifics to your state that way.
The foreclosure process usually follows this basic order:
Notice of Default (NOD)
Notice of Intent to Accelerate (NIA)
Notice of Foreclosure (NOF)
What you probably do not know is that your mortgage information is available from list brokers for people who wish to sell to this demographic. Your specific information isn’t available, but a great deal of information is available by certain filters in the overall larger database. The most common are 30/60/90/120 days late (all or some combination thereof), NOD & NOF. There are marketers out there who will attempt to contact you during the late payment period to try to sell you a refinance package or perhaps even a loan modification package. Once you get to the NOD/NOF period, you can expect to be contacted by real estate professionals who would like to help you sell your house.
There are seven ways to respond to your situation. They are:
Loan Modification
Quick sale
Short sale
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure (aka Jingle Mail)
Contested Foreclosure
How you respond depends upon where you are in the process.
Re-finance is an option only in the very early stages of the process and you may not find it available at all. In the good ol bad ol days, mortgage brokers were selling all sorts of mortgage products. There were Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs), Option ARMs (where you “choose your payments” and even Negative Amortization Mortgages (NAMs) where your payment wasn’t enough to satisfy even the interest payment on the note. Unpaid interest accrued to the principal and would be rolled over when you refinanced the note when (hopefully) the value of the house was higher than when you first bought it. If you are very early in this process (as in your ARM or Option ARM is resetting to a higher interest rate) you might be able to refinance. It is certainly worth the try as the rest of this process is not pleasant to live through.
Loan Modification
Loan modification is where you negotiate with the lien holder to modify the terms of the contract. Many people think that once the mortgage process is completed the terms and conditions are what they are. This isn’t true. Provided all parties agree, any change can be made. The Federal Government has incentives in place to motivate banks to modify home loans so the homeowner can stay in their home (there are countering incentives which will be explored later). The banks will ask you to fill out a series of forms which spell out your actual income and your actual expenses. They will want to see exactly how much money you make and exactly where it goes. You will need to fax this information to the bank. You may be able to use USPS, but odds are high they will request you to fax the information. The banks do not seem to be set up to use email with attachments so if you do not have fax capabilities on your computer, you will need to use someone else’s fax machine.
The process is intensive and takes a lot of time. The banks themselves do not make it easy. You often will find yourself sitting on hold for long periods of time and never talking to the same person twice. There are numerous reports from people stating the banks “lose” the paperwork requiring the homeowner to fax the same information many times. During this process, the loan itself falls further into delinquency and further towards the default/foreclosure deadline. There are even reports of houses being foreclosed upon during this loan modification process. One side of the bank is telling you to not worry about the foreclosure process and assures you your loan modification request is being processed quickly and not to worry. Meanwhile, the other side of the bank is continuing with the foreclosure process. There are reports of homeowners being notified of the sale after it has happened even while negotiations on a loan mod were ongoing.
There are companies out there who will offer to do the loan mod for you; to stay on top of the negotiations so that they are completed in a timely manner. Many states have regulated the process of loan modifications so that the company may not collect a fee in advance. Some states even require the loan modification company be a law firm or affiliated with a law firm. Please be aware, with the advent of this banking/mortgage crisis, scam artists are crawling out of the woodwork. It is imperative you do your due diligence on any company or attorney group you may hire to do the loan modification process for you. There are many stories out there of homeowners who have hired a company to handle the loan modification process for them only to lose both their houses as well as a large amount of money. For more information about the loan modification pitfalls, google: Loan Mod Scams
Quick Sale
At some point in this process, you will be contacted by a real estate agent and/or broker. They will want to talk to you about putting your house up for sale so you can get away from a bad situation so you can start all over. Some may be rude, but for the most part, it will be quite low key and non-threatening. The agents know this is an emotional time for you and will want to sit down with you to share with you what you can expect from the process. From that, they hope to be able to list your property for sale.
This is not a bad conversation for you to have. It will enable you to get a handle on time lines as well as a good idea of what your house is worth in the local market and what the odds are for a quick sale.
A quick sale is just that. It happens quickly. The house will have to be discounted from its true market value in order for it to happen, but happen it can. It allows you to pay off the debt, maintain your credit rating and hopefully walk away with a little bit of money in your pocket.Short Sale
A short sale means to sell your house for less than what you owe on it. It requires the permission and approval of your note holder. Usually, it means consulting with your real estate professional to determine the correct price and then gaining approval for that short sale with your lender. Sometimes the lender will agree to a short sale price in advance, usually they will require a buyer be lined up and ready to move on the sale once approved.
Short sales sometimes work, sometimes they don’t. It all depends upon your lender’s overall condition both nationally and in the local market. If the local market is flooded with REO’s (Real Estate Owned – as in owned by the bank) and if you have a buyer lined up, the odds are higher that the sale will be approved.
Because of the overall intensity of this nationwide market, banks seem to be flooded with requests for short sales and sometimes take a long time to respond to the request. There are reports of short sales pending and then taking so long for bank approval that the potential buyer walks away from the deal. Meanwhile, the foreclosure clock continues to tick. But sometimes they work, and when they work, they work nicely. You are able to get away from the property, the bank takes a hit, but they end up with a performing loan which is what they want more than anything else.
One caution, if you are approved for a short sale, make sure the bank does not issue you a 1099 for the shortfall. A 1099 is an IRS form issued from an entity to another entity to indicate monies paid absent a W2. You can negotiate the 1099 issue with your bank. If you do not assure this in advance and the bank issues a 1099, you will be liable for taxes on the shortfall as it will be considered income. Forget that you don’t get to see it or spend it in any way whatsoever. For accounting purposes, the shortfall is considered income.
At some point in this process, you will be contacted by a real estate agent and/or broker. They will want to talk to you about putting your house up for sale so you can get away from a bad situation so you can start all over. Some may be rude, but for the most part, it will be quite low key and non-threatening. The agents know this is an emotional time for you and will want to sit down with you to share with you what you can expect from the process. From that, they hope to be able to list your property for sale.
This is not a bad conversation for you to have. It will enable you to get a handle on time lines as well as a good idea of what your house is worth in the local market and what the odds are for a quick sale.
A quick sale is just that. It happens quickly. The house will have to be discounted from its true market value in order for it to happen, but happen it can. It allows you to pay off the debt, maintain your credit rating and hopefully walk away with a little bit of money in your pocket.Short Sale
A short sale means to sell your house for less than what you owe on it. It requires the permission and approval of your note holder. Usually, it means consulting with your real estate professional to determine the correct price and then gaining approval for that short sale with your lender. Sometimes the lender will agree to a short sale price in advance, usually they will require a buyer be lined up and ready to move on the sale once approved.
Short sales sometimes work, sometimes they don’t. It all depends upon your lender’s overall condition both nationally and in the local market. If the local market is flooded with REO’s (Real Estate Owned – as in owned by the bank) and if you have a buyer lined up, the odds are higher that the sale will be approved.
Because of the overall intensity of this nationwide market, banks seem to be flooded with requests for short sales and sometimes take a long time to respond to the request. There are reports of short sales pending and then taking so long for bank approval that the potential buyer walks away from the deal. Meanwhile, the foreclosure clock continues to tick. But sometimes they work, and when they work, they work nicely. You are able to get away from the property, the bank takes a hit, but they end up with a performing loan which is what they want more than anything else.
One caution, if you are approved for a short sale, make sure the bank does not issue you a 1099 for the shortfall. A 1099 is an IRS form issued from an entity to another entity to indicate monies paid absent a W2. You can negotiate the 1099 issue with your bank. If you do not assure this in advance and the bank issues a 1099, you will be liable for taxes on the shortfall as it will be considered income. Forget that you don’t get to see it or spend it in any way whatsoever. For accounting purposes, the shortfall is considered income.
Deed In Lieu of Foreclosure – “Jingle Mail”
Some people may tell you to walk away from the house. You may choose to do this; walk away and send the keys back to the bank in the mail or even leave them in the front hallway. This is sometimes referred to as “jingle mail”.
While there is a certain amount of satisfaction in jingle mail, it doesn’t absolve you of your responsibility to the system nor does it relieve the bank of going through process. Remember, these are contracts and the whole point of contracts is that there is a process to resolve disputes. If you send jingle mail, you have not lived up to your end of the dispute resolution and the bank must continue with the process to take the house back.
A Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure means you officially give up all rights to your house and give up possession without any sort of contest. It is process recognized by the courts and the official way to send jingle mail. It stops any foreclosure action as it is no longer necessary. If you choose to go forward with this process, contact your bank and let them know. They will prepare the necessary forms and process for Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure to take place.
Foreclosure is the end of the process. Depending on which state you are located in, it can be a judicial process or a non judicial process. For details on which method of foreclosure is in your state, please see http://www.foreclosurelaw.org/. This website will provide you with both a summary of the laws in your state as well as navigation links to find out the specific process in your state.
No matter the process, once it is complete, a sale will take place. It will take place as proscribed in the law, usually either on the courthouse steps or in a title office. The sale is an auction with the house going to the highest bidder. No matter what happens, you will have to vacate the house. Again, different states, different processes. In some states you will need to vacate in 10 days, in others you can force the new owners to go through the entire eviction process as if you were a renter who hasn’t paid rent and won’t quit the residence. Some states have a right of redemption on a homestead which means you have a certain amount of time to cure the default and buy the house back. Again, check the specific laws of your state for details.Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy (BK) is a legal process where you declare to the courts that you have debts exceeding your assets and you ask the courts to set up a way to liquidate everything in an orderly and just manner. There are three types of BK, Chapter 7, Chapter 11 & Chapter 13, all of which refer to various chapters in the code. The Bankruptcy Code anticipates the goal of Chapter 13 as enabling income-receiving debtors a debtor rehabilitation provided they fulfill a court-approved plan. This is in contrast to the goals of Chapter 7 that offers immediate, complete relief of many oppressive debts.
This essay is not intended to go into a great deal of detail of the bankruptcy code nor is it intended to give any sort of legal advice. However, for basic information as to the various chapters of the bankruptcy code, please see
Chapter 7: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_7,_Title_11,_United_States_CodeChapter 11: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_11Chapter 13: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_13,_Title_11,_United_States_Code
Should you choose BK as a way out of your financial problems, you are strongly urged to consult an attorney specializing in Bankruptcy.
Some people may tell you to walk away from the house. You may choose to do this; walk away and send the keys back to the bank in the mail or even leave them in the front hallway. This is sometimes referred to as “jingle mail”.
While there is a certain amount of satisfaction in jingle mail, it doesn’t absolve you of your responsibility to the system nor does it relieve the bank of going through process. Remember, these are contracts and the whole point of contracts is that there is a process to resolve disputes. If you send jingle mail, you have not lived up to your end of the dispute resolution and the bank must continue with the process to take the house back.
A Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure means you officially give up all rights to your house and give up possession without any sort of contest. It is process recognized by the courts and the official way to send jingle mail. It stops any foreclosure action as it is no longer necessary. If you choose to go forward with this process, contact your bank and let them know. They will prepare the necessary forms and process for Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure to take place.
Foreclosure is the end of the process. Depending on which state you are located in, it can be a judicial process or a non judicial process. For details on which method of foreclosure is in your state, please see http://www.foreclosurelaw.org/. This website will provide you with both a summary of the laws in your state as well as navigation links to find out the specific process in your state.
No matter the process, once it is complete, a sale will take place. It will take place as proscribed in the law, usually either on the courthouse steps or in a title office. The sale is an auction with the house going to the highest bidder. No matter what happens, you will have to vacate the house. Again, different states, different processes. In some states you will need to vacate in 10 days, in others you can force the new owners to go through the entire eviction process as if you were a renter who hasn’t paid rent and won’t quit the residence. Some states have a right of redemption on a homestead which means you have a certain amount of time to cure the default and buy the house back. Again, check the specific laws of your state for details.Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy (BK) is a legal process where you declare to the courts that you have debts exceeding your assets and you ask the courts to set up a way to liquidate everything in an orderly and just manner. There are three types of BK, Chapter 7, Chapter 11 & Chapter 13, all of which refer to various chapters in the code. The Bankruptcy Code anticipates the goal of Chapter 13 as enabling income-receiving debtors a debtor rehabilitation provided they fulfill a court-approved plan. This is in contrast to the goals of Chapter 7 that offers immediate, complete relief of many oppressive debts.
This essay is not intended to go into a great deal of detail of the bankruptcy code nor is it intended to give any sort of legal advice. However, for basic information as to the various chapters of the bankruptcy code, please see
Chapter 7: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_7,_Title_11,_United_States_CodeChapter 11: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_11Chapter 13: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapter_13,_Title_11,_United_States_Code
Should you choose BK as a way out of your financial problems, you are strongly urged to consult an attorney specializing in Bankruptcy.
Challenging the Foreclosure
Believe it or not, you can challenge the foreclosure process … and win. Challenging the foreclosure means just that. You challenge the bank’s right to foreclose on your house. This may sound counter intuitive, but it is true. In order to understand the process of challenging the foreclosure, the why’s and wherefore’s you need deep background information as to the nature of this financial meltdown and how we got to where we are as a country.
Back in the early 90’s, the Gramm Leach act passed by Congress was signed into law. This act erased the financial firewall which stood between investment banks and traditional banks. This firewall had been put in place during FDR’s administration to separate these two groups as the mixing of the two was determined to have been a prime reason for the Great Depression. Shortly after this act was signed into law, you may recall a whole host of consolidations in the financial markets. Many household names and logos vanished into the consolidation frenzy. Citigroup is just one example of this consolidation. Before too long, they became a bank, an investment bank, an insurance company and the source of a whole host of financial services.
The next thing that happened was Fannie & Freddie, two quasi governmental agencies focused on affordable home loans, were pressured by the Clinton administration to focus their efforts on heretofore neglected elements of society. These efforts came to be known as the sub-prime and alt-A mortgage sectors.
The next piece of the puzzle can be placed at the feet of the Federal Reserve and the reserve requirements they placed on banks. Money, like water, seeks to flow and if profits can be made, they will be made. The large banking houses were restricted by their reserve requirements from making more loans, a source of profits. In an effort to get around these restrictions, the large banks (Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York Mellon, Washington Mutual and Wells Fargo to name a few) created “exotic” financial products from bundled mortgage loans such as Collaterized Debt Obligations(CDO’s) and Structured Investment Vehicles (SIV’s). These financial products were packaged up and they sold like shares of stocks to “sophisticated investors” such as pension funds, endowment funds, and foreign banks. This moved the loans off the books of the large banks meaning they then had more reserves to lend and the process would start all over.
As the party progressed, the investment vehicles became more sophisticated. The banks would create a structured investment vehicle which would require a certain mix of different types of loans and the order would go out seeking such loans. It is almost as if they ordered the loans off a menu and the storefront mortgage brokers would be like the cooks back in the kitchen preparing and delivering meals of a certain mix of ingredients. Once the order was filled, the large banks would slice and dice the paper into finer and finer pieces assigning those pieces to certain tranches of the structured vehicle. This created various grades of paper which could be marketed as high grade/low grade with a commiserate rate of return upon the investment. Once again, these would be sold to pension funds, endowment funds, foreign banks, wealthy individuals, hedge funds, mutual funds, anyone willing to buy.
The final piece of the puzzle was the high degree of complicated ownership of any single home loan and trying to find a way to register that complicated ownership with each individual county courthouse as required by law. Enter the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS). MERS (http://www.mersinc.org/) offered themselves up as a way to track the ownership & servicing rights. This is direct from their website:
MERS is an innovative process that simplifies the way mortgage ownership and servicing rights are originated, sold and tracked. Created by the real estate finance industry, MERS eliminates the need to prepare and record assignments when trading residential and commercial mortgage loans.
And that very quote, based upon the need to keep track of the high degree of slicing and dicing of ownership of Cashflows and servicing rights is the reason you can challenge your foreclosure and win.
Here is what happened.
In 2007, Deutches Bank attempted to foreclose on a group of properties in Ohio. In October of that year, Judge Boyko of the Eastern Ohio United States District Court dismissed 14 Deutsche Bank-filed foreclosures in a ruling based on lack of standing for not owning/holding the mortgage loan at the time the lawsuits were filed. Due to all of the slicing and dicing of the cash flows mentioned above, Deutches bank could not prove they had perfected interest in the title and hence, had no standing to sue for foreclosure. In essence, the issue was not had the homeowners defaulted on their mortgage, but was Deutches Bank the person they owed the money to? In essence, a stranger who was unknown to the homeowner popped up out of nowhere claiming to own the title. The judge said they didn’t. The homeowners walked away still in their houses, Deutches Bank walked away with their hat.
From that ruling came the entire “produce the note” strategy of successfully challenging foreclosure actions. The issue has been appealed by the banks through several state court systems and was shot down first by the Kansas State Supreme Court. That was followed by the Arkansas State Supreme Court, Ohio State Supreme Court and the Massachusetts Landbank. There have been two rulings in Federal Bankruptcy court in Idaho and one in Nevada which also support the premise that the foreclosing party has a duty to prove perfected interest in the title and if unable they are barred from foreclosing. There have also been numerous state district court rulings in New Jersey, California and Florida supporting this notion as well.
The best analysis of this movement is by Ellen Brown and it is excerpted in its entirety here:
Landmark Decision: Massive Relief for Homeowners and Trouble for the Banks
Ellen BrownWeb of DebtTue, 22 Sep 2009 10:24 EDT
A landmark ruling in a recent Kansas Supreme Court case may have given millions of distressed homeowners the legal wedge they need to avoid foreclosure. In Landmark National Bank v. Kesler, 2009 Kan. LEXIS 834, the Kansas Supreme Court held that a nominee company called MERS has no right or standing to bring an action for foreclosure. MERS is an acronym for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, a private company that registers mortgages electronically and tracks changes in ownership. The significance of the holding is that if MERS has no standing to foreclose, then nobody has standing to foreclose – on 60 million mortgages. That is the number of American mortgages currently reported to be held by MERS. Over half of all new U.S. residential mortgage loans are registered with MERS and recorded in its name. Holdings of the Kansas Supreme Court are not binding on the rest of the country, but they are dicta of which other courts take note; and the reasoning behind the decision is sound.Eliminating the “Straw Man” Shielding Lenders and Investors from Liability
The development of “electronic” mortgages managed by MERS went hand in hand with the “securitization” of mortgage loans – chopping them into pieces and selling them off to investors. In the heyday of mortgage securitizations, before investors got wise to their risks, lenders would slice up loans, bundle them into “financial products” called “collateralized debt obligations” (CDOs), ostensibly insure them against default by wrapping them in derivatives called “credit default swaps,” and sell them to pension funds, municipal funds, foreign investment funds, and so forth. There were many secured parties, and the pieces kept changing hands; but MERS supposedly kept track of all these changes electronically. MERS would register and record mortgage loans in its name, and it would bring foreclosure actions in its name. MERS not only facilitated the rapid turnover of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities, but it has served as a sort of “corporate shield” that protects investors from claims by borrowers concerning predatory lending practices. California attorney Timothy McCandless describes the problem like this:
“[MERS] has reduced transparency in the mortgage market in two ways. First, consumers and their counsel can no longer turn to the public recording systems to learn the identity of the holder of their note. Today, county recording systems are increasingly full of one meaningless name, MERS, repeated over and over again. But more importantly, all across the country, MERS now brings foreclosure proceedings in its own name – even though it is not the financial party in interest. This is problematic because MERS is not prepared for or equipped to provide responses to consumers’ discovery requests with respect to predatory lending claims and defenses. In effect, the securitization conduit attempts to use a faceless and seemingly innocent proxy with no knowledge of predatory origination or servicing behavior to do the dirty work of seizing the consumer’s home. . . . So imposing is this opaque corporate wall, that in a “vast” number of foreclosures, MERS actually succeeds in foreclosing without producing the original note – the legal sine qua non of foreclosure – much less documentation that could support predatory lending defenses.”
The real parties in interest concealed behind MERS have been made so faceless, however, that there is now no party with standing to foreclose. The Kansas Supreme Court stated that MERS’ relationship “is more akin to that of a straw man than to a party possessing all the rights given a buyer.” The court opined:
“By statute, assignment of the mortgage carries with it the assignment of the debt. . . . Indeed, in the event that a mortgage loan somehow separates interests of the note and the deed of trust, with the deed of trust lying with some independent entity, the mortgage may become unenforceable. The practical effect of splitting the deed of trust from the promissory note is to make it impossible for the holder of the note to foreclose, unless the holder of the deed of trust is the agent of the holder of the note. Without the agency relationship, the person holding only the note lacks the power to foreclose in the event of default. The person holding only the deed of trust will never experience default because only the holder of the note is entitled to payment of the underlying obligation. The mortgage loan becomes ineffectual when the note holder did not also hold the deed of trust.” [Citations omitted; emphasis added.]
MERS as straw man lacks standing to foreclose, but so does original lender, although it was a signatory to the deal. The lender lacks standing because title had to pass to the secured parties for the arrangement to legally qualify as a “security.” The lender has been paid in full and has no further legal interest in the claim. Only the securities holders have skin in the game; but they have no standing to foreclose, because they were not signatories to the original agreement. They cannot satisfy the basic requirement of contract law that a plaintiff suing on a written contract must produce a signed contract proving he is entitled to relief.
The Potential Impact of 60 Million Fatally Flawed Mortgages
The banks arranging these mortgage-backed securities have typically served as trustees for the investors. When the trustees could not present timely written proof of ownership entitling them to foreclose, they would in the past file “lost-note affidavits” with the court; and judges usually let these foreclosures proceed without objection. But in October 2007, an intrepid federal judge in Cleveland put a halt to the practice. U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Boyko ruled that Deutsche Bank had not filed the proper paperwork to establish its right to foreclose on fourteen homes it was suing to repossess as trustee. Judges in many other states then came out with similar rulings.
Following the Boyko decision, in December 2007 attorney Sean Olender suggested in an article in The San Francisco Chronicle that the real reason for the bailout schemes being proposed by then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was not to keep strapped borrowers in their homes so much as to stave off a spate of lawsuits against the banks. Olender wrote:“The sole goal of the [bailout schemes] is to prevent owners of mortgage-backed securities, many of them foreigners, from suing U.S. banks and forcing them to buy back worthless mortgage securities at face value – right now almost 10 times their market worth. The ticking time bomb in the U.S. banking system is not resetting subprime mortgage rates. The real problem is the contractual ability of investors in mortgage bonds to require banks to buy back the loans at face value if there was fraud in the origination process.
“. . . The catastrophic consequences of bond investors forcing originators to buy back loans at face value are beyond the current media discussion. The loans at issue dwarf the capital available at the largest U.S. banks combined, and investor lawsuits would raise stunning liability sufficient to cause even the largest U.S. banks to fail, resulting in massive taxpayer-funded bailouts of Fannie and Freddie, and even FDIC . . . .
“What would be prudent and logical is for the banks that sold this toxic waste to buy it back and for a lot of people to go to prison. If they knew about the fraud, they should have to buy the bonds back.”
Needless to say, however, the banks did not buy back their toxic waste, and no bank officials went to jail. As Olender predicted, in the fall of 2008, massive taxpayer-funded bailouts of Fannie and Freddie were pushed through by Henry Paulson, whose former firm Goldman Sachs was an active player in creating CDOs when he was at its helm as CEO. Paulson also hastily engineered the $85 billion bailout of insurer American International Group (AIG), a major counterparty to Goldmans’ massive holdings of CDOs. The insolvency of AIG was a huge crisis for Goldman, a principal beneficiary of the AIG bailout.
In a December 2007 New York Times article titled “The Long and Short of It at Goldman Sachs,” Ben Stein wrote:
“For decades now, . . . I have been receiving letters [warning] me about the dangers of a secret government running the world . . . . [T]he closest I have recently seen to such a world-running body would have to be a certain large investment bank, whose alums are routinely Treasury secretaries, high advisers to presidents, and occasionally a governor or United States senator.”The pirates seem to have captured the ship, and until now there has been no one to stop them. But 60 million mortgages with fatal defects in title could give aggrieved homeowners and securities holders the crowbar they need to exert some serious leverage on Congress – serious enough perhaps even to pry the legislature loose from the powerful banking lobbies that now hold it in thrall.
Comment: It will be interesting to see how this develops. No doubt lawyers for the banks are looking for a way around this.
But this ruling does reveal just how fragile the system is. In an attempt to build a system where they, the bankers, have no responsibility at the core they have created a system where they have little control.
Wouldn’t it be quite a scene if the whole system collapsed in the banksters faces?(http://www.sott.net/articles/show/193643-Landmark-Decision-Massive-Relief-for-Homeowners-and-Trouble-for-the-Banks)
So to put it short and sweet, here is what happened. In their infinite cleverness of achieving ever new and novel ways to create profit, the banks managed to separate the mortgage from the deed of trust. When they did that, the mortgage holder lost the ability to foreclose because they have no interest in the Deed of Trust and is now holding a worthless piece of paper. The owner of the Deed of Trust can sue to recover, but because the investment vehicles are the holder of the deed of trust and ownership of that vehicle has been sold to a wide variety of entities, it is difficult if not impossible to determine just who the true owner of a given mortgage is. It’s a mess, their mess, and it is not your responsibility as a homeowner to clean up their mess.
It is appropriate to bring your attention to one more aspect of this mess. Recall the TARP fund? It was a $700B bailout to the large banks and particularly AIG. AIG was/is an insurance fund which insured all of the mortgages in the structured investment vehicles against default and foreclosure and because these mortgages had been sliced and diced seven ways for Sunday, each mortgage was actually insured four or five times over. When the mortgages started to default and foreclose, the insurance companies ended up paying 100 cents on the dollar on these insurance policies they wrote to companies such as Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and others. It was the TARP money, the taxpayer’s money passed through AIG which bailed out the banks.
All of this information goes a long way to answering the question “why is it so difficult to get a loan modification?” The truth of the matter is, because it is more profitable to foreclose on the mortgage, collect the insurance (maybe more then once), remove a non performing loan from the books and put a tangible asset of certain value back on the books. This creates a better balance sheet from whence they can then create more loans. And the process starts all over again. Why should they accept a measly $4,000 from the Government in exchange for the windfall of foreclosure? In the parlance of the gangster, “fuhgedaboudit”
Can you challenge the right to foreclose in a bankruptcy proceeding? Absolutely. As a matter of fact, your BK attorney has a duty to pursue this line of action. Do not let him tell you it is only a delaying action of the inevitable. There are three rulings of the US Bankruptcy court; two in Idaho, one in Nevada; which come down quite hard on the side of the homeowner on this issue.
Does this process work in both judicial and non-judicial states? Absolutely. In both cases, you must file suit. In judicial states, you file a counter suit. In a non-judicial state, you must file suit and additionally seek an injunction and if necessary a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to stop the foreclosure sale on your house.
Can you initiate this action before you are in financial difficulty? Absolutely. You can request your loan servicer provide you with the exact ownership of all portions of your note and show conclusively that the money is going to the correct entities. Will the loan servicer grant your request? Probably not. But that’s OK, because it shows the courts you tried to resolve the dispute before it was ever escalated and you were ignored.
Believe it or not, you can challenge the foreclosure process … and win. Challenging the foreclosure means just that. You challenge the bank’s right to foreclose on your house. This may sound counter intuitive, but it is true. In order to understand the process of challenging the foreclosure, the why’s and wherefore’s you need deep background information as to the nature of this financial meltdown and how we got to where we are as a country.
Back in the early 90’s, the Gramm Leach act passed by Congress was signed into law. This act erased the financial firewall which stood between investment banks and traditional banks. This firewall had been put in place during FDR’s administration to separate these two groups as the mixing of the two was determined to have been a prime reason for the Great Depression. Shortly after this act was signed into law, you may recall a whole host of consolidations in the financial markets. Many household names and logos vanished into the consolidation frenzy. Citigroup is just one example of this consolidation. Before too long, they became a bank, an investment bank, an insurance company and the source of a whole host of financial services.
The next thing that happened was Fannie & Freddie, two quasi governmental agencies focused on affordable home loans, were pressured by the Clinton administration to focus their efforts on heretofore neglected elements of society. These efforts came to be known as the sub-prime and alt-A mortgage sectors.
The next piece of the puzzle can be placed at the feet of the Federal Reserve and the reserve requirements they placed on banks. Money, like water, seeks to flow and if profits can be made, they will be made. The large banking houses were restricted by their reserve requirements from making more loans, a source of profits. In an effort to get around these restrictions, the large banks (Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York Mellon, Washington Mutual and Wells Fargo to name a few) created “exotic” financial products from bundled mortgage loans such as Collaterized Debt Obligations(CDO’s) and Structured Investment Vehicles (SIV’s). These financial products were packaged up and they sold like shares of stocks to “sophisticated investors” such as pension funds, endowment funds, and foreign banks. This moved the loans off the books of the large banks meaning they then had more reserves to lend and the process would start all over.
As the party progressed, the investment vehicles became more sophisticated. The banks would create a structured investment vehicle which would require a certain mix of different types of loans and the order would go out seeking such loans. It is almost as if they ordered the loans off a menu and the storefront mortgage brokers would be like the cooks back in the kitchen preparing and delivering meals of a certain mix of ingredients. Once the order was filled, the large banks would slice and dice the paper into finer and finer pieces assigning those pieces to certain tranches of the structured vehicle. This created various grades of paper which could be marketed as high grade/low grade with a commiserate rate of return upon the investment. Once again, these would be sold to pension funds, endowment funds, foreign banks, wealthy individuals, hedge funds, mutual funds, anyone willing to buy.
The final piece of the puzzle was the high degree of complicated ownership of any single home loan and trying to find a way to register that complicated ownership with each individual county courthouse as required by law. Enter the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS). MERS (http://www.mersinc.org/) offered themselves up as a way to track the ownership & servicing rights. This is direct from their website:
MERS is an innovative process that simplifies the way mortgage ownership and servicing rights are originated, sold and tracked. Created by the real estate finance industry, MERS eliminates the need to prepare and record assignments when trading residential and commercial mortgage loans.
And that very quote, based upon the need to keep track of the high degree of slicing and dicing of ownership of Cashflows and servicing rights is the reason you can challenge your foreclosure and win.
Here is what happened.
In 2007, Deutches Bank attempted to foreclose on a group of properties in Ohio. In October of that year, Judge Boyko of the Eastern Ohio United States District Court dismissed 14 Deutsche Bank-filed foreclosures in a ruling based on lack of standing for not owning/holding the mortgage loan at the time the lawsuits were filed. Due to all of the slicing and dicing of the cash flows mentioned above, Deutches bank could not prove they had perfected interest in the title and hence, had no standing to sue for foreclosure. In essence, the issue was not had the homeowners defaulted on their mortgage, but was Deutches Bank the person they owed the money to? In essence, a stranger who was unknown to the homeowner popped up out of nowhere claiming to own the title. The judge said they didn’t. The homeowners walked away still in their houses, Deutches Bank walked away with their hat.
From that ruling came the entire “produce the note” strategy of successfully challenging foreclosure actions. The issue has been appealed by the banks through several state court systems and was shot down first by the Kansas State Supreme Court. That was followed by the Arkansas State Supreme Court, Ohio State Supreme Court and the Massachusetts Landbank. There have been two rulings in Federal Bankruptcy court in Idaho and one in Nevada which also support the premise that the foreclosing party has a duty to prove perfected interest in the title and if unable they are barred from foreclosing. There have also been numerous state district court rulings in New Jersey, California and Florida supporting this notion as well.
The best analysis of this movement is by Ellen Brown and it is excerpted in its entirety here:
Landmark Decision: Massive Relief for Homeowners and Trouble for the Banks
Ellen BrownWeb of DebtTue, 22 Sep 2009 10:24 EDT
A landmark ruling in a recent Kansas Supreme Court case may have given millions of distressed homeowners the legal wedge they need to avoid foreclosure. In Landmark National Bank v. Kesler, 2009 Kan. LEXIS 834, the Kansas Supreme Court held that a nominee company called MERS has no right or standing to bring an action for foreclosure. MERS is an acronym for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, a private company that registers mortgages electronically and tracks changes in ownership. The significance of the holding is that if MERS has no standing to foreclose, then nobody has standing to foreclose – on 60 million mortgages. That is the number of American mortgages currently reported to be held by MERS. Over half of all new U.S. residential mortgage loans are registered with MERS and recorded in its name. Holdings of the Kansas Supreme Court are not binding on the rest of the country, but they are dicta of which other courts take note; and the reasoning behind the decision is sound.Eliminating the “Straw Man” Shielding Lenders and Investors from Liability
The development of “electronic” mortgages managed by MERS went hand in hand with the “securitization” of mortgage loans – chopping them into pieces and selling them off to investors. In the heyday of mortgage securitizations, before investors got wise to their risks, lenders would slice up loans, bundle them into “financial products” called “collateralized debt obligations” (CDOs), ostensibly insure them against default by wrapping them in derivatives called “credit default swaps,” and sell them to pension funds, municipal funds, foreign investment funds, and so forth. There were many secured parties, and the pieces kept changing hands; but MERS supposedly kept track of all these changes electronically. MERS would register and record mortgage loans in its name, and it would bring foreclosure actions in its name. MERS not only facilitated the rapid turnover of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities, but it has served as a sort of “corporate shield” that protects investors from claims by borrowers concerning predatory lending practices. California attorney Timothy McCandless describes the problem like this:
“[MERS] has reduced transparency in the mortgage market in two ways. First, consumers and their counsel can no longer turn to the public recording systems to learn the identity of the holder of their note. Today, county recording systems are increasingly full of one meaningless name, MERS, repeated over and over again. But more importantly, all across the country, MERS now brings foreclosure proceedings in its own name – even though it is not the financial party in interest. This is problematic because MERS is not prepared for or equipped to provide responses to consumers’ discovery requests with respect to predatory lending claims and defenses. In effect, the securitization conduit attempts to use a faceless and seemingly innocent proxy with no knowledge of predatory origination or servicing behavior to do the dirty work of seizing the consumer’s home. . . . So imposing is this opaque corporate wall, that in a “vast” number of foreclosures, MERS actually succeeds in foreclosing without producing the original note – the legal sine qua non of foreclosure – much less documentation that could support predatory lending defenses.”
The real parties in interest concealed behind MERS have been made so faceless, however, that there is now no party with standing to foreclose. The Kansas Supreme Court stated that MERS’ relationship “is more akin to that of a straw man than to a party possessing all the rights given a buyer.” The court opined:
“By statute, assignment of the mortgage carries with it the assignment of the debt. . . . Indeed, in the event that a mortgage loan somehow separates interests of the note and the deed of trust, with the deed of trust lying with some independent entity, the mortgage may become unenforceable. The practical effect of splitting the deed of trust from the promissory note is to make it impossible for the holder of the note to foreclose, unless the holder of the deed of trust is the agent of the holder of the note. Without the agency relationship, the person holding only the note lacks the power to foreclose in the event of default. The person holding only the deed of trust will never experience default because only the holder of the note is entitled to payment of the underlying obligation. The mortgage loan becomes ineffectual when the note holder did not also hold the deed of trust.” [Citations omitted; emphasis added.]
MERS as straw man lacks standing to foreclose, but so does original lender, although it was a signatory to the deal. The lender lacks standing because title had to pass to the secured parties for the arrangement to legally qualify as a “security.” The lender has been paid in full and has no further legal interest in the claim. Only the securities holders have skin in the game; but they have no standing to foreclose, because they were not signatories to the original agreement. They cannot satisfy the basic requirement of contract law that a plaintiff suing on a written contract must produce a signed contract proving he is entitled to relief.
The Potential Impact of 60 Million Fatally Flawed Mortgages
The banks arranging these mortgage-backed securities have typically served as trustees for the investors. When the trustees could not present timely written proof of ownership entitling them to foreclose, they would in the past file “lost-note affidavits” with the court; and judges usually let these foreclosures proceed without objection. But in October 2007, an intrepid federal judge in Cleveland put a halt to the practice. U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Boyko ruled that Deutsche Bank had not filed the proper paperwork to establish its right to foreclose on fourteen homes it was suing to repossess as trustee. Judges in many other states then came out with similar rulings.
Following the Boyko decision, in December 2007 attorney Sean Olender suggested in an article in The San Francisco Chronicle that the real reason for the bailout schemes being proposed by then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was not to keep strapped borrowers in their homes so much as to stave off a spate of lawsuits against the banks. Olender wrote:“The sole goal of the [bailout schemes] is to prevent owners of mortgage-backed securities, many of them foreigners, from suing U.S. banks and forcing them to buy back worthless mortgage securities at face value – right now almost 10 times their market worth. The ticking time bomb in the U.S. banking system is not resetting subprime mortgage rates. The real problem is the contractual ability of investors in mortgage bonds to require banks to buy back the loans at face value if there was fraud in the origination process.
“. . . The catastrophic consequences of bond investors forcing originators to buy back loans at face value are beyond the current media discussion. The loans at issue dwarf the capital available at the largest U.S. banks combined, and investor lawsuits would raise stunning liability sufficient to cause even the largest U.S. banks to fail, resulting in massive taxpayer-funded bailouts of Fannie and Freddie, and even FDIC . . . .
“What would be prudent and logical is for the banks that sold this toxic waste to buy it back and for a lot of people to go to prison. If they knew about the fraud, they should have to buy the bonds back.”
Needless to say, however, the banks did not buy back their toxic waste, and no bank officials went to jail. As Olender predicted, in the fall of 2008, massive taxpayer-funded bailouts of Fannie and Freddie were pushed through by Henry Paulson, whose former firm Goldman Sachs was an active player in creating CDOs when he was at its helm as CEO. Paulson also hastily engineered the $85 billion bailout of insurer American International Group (AIG), a major counterparty to Goldmans’ massive holdings of CDOs. The insolvency of AIG was a huge crisis for Goldman, a principal beneficiary of the AIG bailout.
In a December 2007 New York Times article titled “The Long and Short of It at Goldman Sachs,” Ben Stein wrote:
“For decades now, . . . I have been receiving letters [warning] me about the dangers of a secret government running the world . . . . [T]he closest I have recently seen to such a world-running body would have to be a certain large investment bank, whose alums are routinely Treasury secretaries, high advisers to presidents, and occasionally a governor or United States senator.”The pirates seem to have captured the ship, and until now there has been no one to stop them. But 60 million mortgages with fatal defects in title could give aggrieved homeowners and securities holders the crowbar they need to exert some serious leverage on Congress – serious enough perhaps even to pry the legislature loose from the powerful banking lobbies that now hold it in thrall.
Comment: It will be interesting to see how this develops. No doubt lawyers for the banks are looking for a way around this.
But this ruling does reveal just how fragile the system is. In an attempt to build a system where they, the bankers, have no responsibility at the core they have created a system where they have little control.
Wouldn’t it be quite a scene if the whole system collapsed in the banksters faces?(http://www.sott.net/articles/show/193643-Landmark-Decision-Massive-Relief-for-Homeowners-and-Trouble-for-the-Banks)
So to put it short and sweet, here is what happened. In their infinite cleverness of achieving ever new and novel ways to create profit, the banks managed to separate the mortgage from the deed of trust. When they did that, the mortgage holder lost the ability to foreclose because they have no interest in the Deed of Trust and is now holding a worthless piece of paper. The owner of the Deed of Trust can sue to recover, but because the investment vehicles are the holder of the deed of trust and ownership of that vehicle has been sold to a wide variety of entities, it is difficult if not impossible to determine just who the true owner of a given mortgage is. It’s a mess, their mess, and it is not your responsibility as a homeowner to clean up their mess.
It is appropriate to bring your attention to one more aspect of this mess. Recall the TARP fund? It was a $700B bailout to the large banks and particularly AIG. AIG was/is an insurance fund which insured all of the mortgages in the structured investment vehicles against default and foreclosure and because these mortgages had been sliced and diced seven ways for Sunday, each mortgage was actually insured four or five times over. When the mortgages started to default and foreclose, the insurance companies ended up paying 100 cents on the dollar on these insurance policies they wrote to companies such as Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and others. It was the TARP money, the taxpayer’s money passed through AIG which bailed out the banks.
All of this information goes a long way to answering the question “why is it so difficult to get a loan modification?” The truth of the matter is, because it is more profitable to foreclose on the mortgage, collect the insurance (maybe more then once), remove a non performing loan from the books and put a tangible asset of certain value back on the books. This creates a better balance sheet from whence they can then create more loans. And the process starts all over again. Why should they accept a measly $4,000 from the Government in exchange for the windfall of foreclosure? In the parlance of the gangster, “fuhgedaboudit”
Can you challenge the right to foreclose in a bankruptcy proceeding? Absolutely. As a matter of fact, your BK attorney has a duty to pursue this line of action. Do not let him tell you it is only a delaying action of the inevitable. There are three rulings of the US Bankruptcy court; two in Idaho, one in Nevada; which come down quite hard on the side of the homeowner on this issue.
Does this process work in both judicial and non-judicial states? Absolutely. In both cases, you must file suit. In judicial states, you file a counter suit. In a non-judicial state, you must file suit and additionally seek an injunction and if necessary a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to stop the foreclosure sale on your house.
Can you initiate this action before you are in financial difficulty? Absolutely. You can request your loan servicer provide you with the exact ownership of all portions of your note and show conclusively that the money is going to the correct entities. Will the loan servicer grant your request? Probably not. But that’s OK, because it shows the courts you tried to resolve the dispute before it was ever escalated and you were ignored.
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