Monday, April 12, 2010
Oy Gevalt! Lech KaczyĆski Enroute To 70th Anniversary Ceremony of Katyn massacre
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The Truth On The Katyn Massacre
The Bolsheviks/Communists/Zionists invaded Poland in 1939, and with the help of the 20% local Jewish population, rounded up the intelligentsia. From mid 1939 until 1941 the NKVD (Zionist death squads) cleansed half of Poland of the rich, the leaders, and the bureaucrats.
In short, Shem Wankel, a Yiddish clerk, would go to the NKVD and report his commissioner as a 'dissident', and the commissioner would be on the next train, and Shem was the new commissioner. The trains took over 400,000 poles to the forests of Belarus, and the Ukraine. The trains unloaded at deserted stretches and the Christians marched a few hundred yards into the woods and shot.
The Katyn Forest massacre was famous because the German army found 22,000 in one single pit.
In 1941 the Germans started the Russian invasion. Naturally the Zionist NKVD was back in Russia.
The Ukraine Infestation
In Russia the Jews were confined to the Pale of the Settlement, and in the mid 1800's started to migrate to Poland. When the Bolsheviks killed the Czar in 1917 the plague took full force.
Every village and township was infected, but they keep a low profile. In 1939 the locust arose from their cocoons, and they went from rag-peddlers to government officials, confiscated all the businesses and wealth.