Monday, February 1, 2010

Apparently PETA has decided that the most badass groundhog on the planet, Punxsutawney Phil, is not treated with the respect he deserves, and instead of doing the job himself, they want a robot groundhog to let the world know if springtime is on its way or not!!
Gemma Vaughn, an Animals in Entertainment Specialist for the organization looking out for our animal friends, wrote in a statement,
“Make the compassionate decision to use an animatronic Phil and retire the live groundhogs who are used for Groundhog Day activities to a sanctuary. Tradition is no excuse for cruelty.”
Animatronic Phil? They might as well use one of the robot dinosaurs from Jurassic Park to do the job if tradition is so passé!
The Groundhog Club, which takes care of Phil, responded with,
“Phil is probably treated better than the average child in Pennsylvania. He’s got air conditioning in the summer, his pen is heated in winter … He has everything but a TV in there. What more do you want?”
HAHAHA. If that's truly the case, then we're gonna have to side with The Groundhog Club. Sounds like Punxsutawney Phil lives a pretty sweet animal life.
Do U agree?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is on a mission to save Punxsutawney Phil. The animal rights group has suggested the season-predicting groundhog
, appointed to determine how long we’ll have to tolerate Ol’ Man Winter each year, should be replaced with a robot, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported Wednesday.
The tomfoolery of this organization never ceases to amaze me. Why are these people allowed to walk the streets without medication?

Gemma Vaughan, an Animals in Entertainment Specialist with PETA, penned a letter to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club on Wednesday arguing that keeping Phil on display year-round is a “cruel” way to treat the animal. Blah….Blah…Blah!
“Make the compassionate decision to use an animatronic Phil and retire the live groundhogs who are used for Groundhog Day activities to a sanctuary,” Vaughan wrote in the plea. “Tradition is no excuse for cruelty.”
Bill Deeley, president of the Club, has called the request “crazy.”
“Phil is probably treated better than the average child in Pennsylvania,” Deeley said. “He’s got air conditioning in the summer, his pen is heated in winter … He has everything but a TV in there. What more do you want?”

Here is PETA'S post;With Groundhog Day just a week away, I've got a Bill Murray movie on my mind—but the classic Groundhog Day isn't it. No, I'm thinking of Caddyshack—and the scene-stealing Mr. Gopher—and hoping that the folks in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, take a cue from the humane concept behind that cinematic critter by retiring Phil to a sanctuary and replacing him with an electronic groundhog.
Phil is forced to be on display year round at the local library and is denied the ability to prepare for and enter yearly hibernation (and I have a hard time with "spring forward"). Add to that the displeasure of large, screaming crowds, flashing lights of cameras, and human handling. If Punxsutawney frees Phil, then the bitter winter that's made him into an unwilling media attraction will end, making way for a sunny spring that everyone can enjoy.
Posted by Logan Scherer


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